The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part Two预览

The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part Two


Daily Reflection: One of the most controversial topics of Jesus’ time on earth – and perhaps even today – is that of divorce. This topic was so heavily debated, that the Pharisees decided they would challenge Jesus’ thoughts on the matter. While the content provided by Jesus in this discourse is essential, it is also vital to understand a truth about the Pharisees themselves. They were not asking Jesus about divorce to learn; they sought to catch Jesus in false teaching. Their intentions were not holy, but instead divisive and slandering. Jesus is willing to answer questions, prayers, and concerns, but true fulfillment will come when the intention behind the questioning is purely motivated. Jesus desires to grow his family spiritually, but that is a two-sided street.

Daily Demonstration: One of the most frightening aspects of the intentions of our hearts is that sometimes we don’t have the eyes to see it. There are times when we feel as though the right things motivate us, but it may not be 100% true. Today, take a scary step of boldness. Ask a trusted family member or friend to reveal some of the parts of your heart from which you have been blinded. Take this information to measure the intentions of your heart. It may sting, but this will payout in the long run.


The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part Two

The word “family” can mean many different things to different people. Often, when people speak of family, they mean their blood relatives, specifically those with whom they live. When Christians speak of family, we also refer to God’s family, his ekklesia, or “church.” When we enter God’s kingdom, we become family with one another, forging a bond that transcends blood everything. We are all brought together into God’s family.
