The Mind Connection预览

The Mind Connection


Think Before You Speak

The connection between what we think and what we say is stronger than most people realize. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “Think before you speak.” However, much of what we think literally falls out of our mouths with no forethought as to how it’s going to sound or who it may hurt. Other times, we meditate on something so frequently that we can’t help eventually saying it, even if it’s something we don’t want others to know we’re thinking.

For instance, one time I was out with a friend and I noticed her outfit didn’t fit her as well as it could. What I should have done was keep my opinion to myself unless she specifically asked me. But we all know that didn’t happen. I opened my mouth and said, “I think your top would look better if it wasn’t quite so long.” I immediately regretted it. She said she knew it was too long when she bought it and was hoping no one would notice. It wasn’t a big thing, but I could tell my comment discouraged her.

The truth is our words have an affect on our lives and those around us. They are containers filled with power, and we choose whether that power will be positive or negative. We can bless or curse with the words of our mouth. We can build up or tear town; we can make people laugh or make them cry.

God wants to use us to advance His Kingdom. He wants us to partner with Him in introducing people to Him. And just as we can learn to think as God thinks, we can also learn how to talk as He talks. We can learn to discipline ourselves not to say every single thing that floats through our mind!

Filling your thoughts with God’s Word is it where it all begins. If you keep His Word in your mind, it will eventually come out of your mouth. Romans 12:2 says to “be transformed by the entire renewal of your mind.” When you transform your mind with God’s Word, you set off a chain reaction that also transforms your mouth, moods, attitudes, actions, and every other area of your life.

God has given us the gift and the responsibility of thoughts and words, so let’s use them wisely. With His help, we can think before we speak…and declare words of life over ourselves and others.

Make the Mind Connection: Your thoughts become your words, and what you say has the ability to influence your life and all those around you.

Adapted from The Mind Connection by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2015 by Joyce Meyer. Reprinted with permission of FaithWords, a division of Hachette Book Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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The Mind Connection

I’ve written extensively on the topic of the mind because I believe with my whole heart that the subject is of vital importance, and that our thoughts are, in fact, one of the most difficult areas of life to gain mastery over.
