But I'm ONLY The Stepmom!预览

But I'm ONLY The Stepmom!


My Unique Assignment

In business, I like to say that there is no competition in the Kingdom. I believe that what I do (my assignment), although it may seem similar to someone else, is uniquely designed for me. I also believe that same truth applies to being a stepmother that walks in her assignment.   

What do I mean by this? I mean that there is no need to be threatened by the biological mother or anyone else in the child’s life because my assignment is unique and something only I have been called to do. The problem is that if I don’t seek first the kingdom, I don’t know what my assignment is, so I start fulfilling what I think it may be and that’s how the pressure of competition typically creeps in. 

I remember a time when my stepson was having a challenge in school, and quite frankly, he had become lazy at home. It was so frustrating to watch. I complained to my husband, friends, and my stepson—but nothing changed. It seemed like it wasn’t a big deal to anyone but me. Finally, I decided to take another approach. For about three days I fasted and prayed for him, telling God my concerns.  

In less than a week after my fast, things began to change. First, we found out that the concern regarding school was resolved. Following that, he was offered a job which gave him some responsibility and got him up and moving. After that, we were able to enter into a season of celebration for him. It was beautiful to see my prayers manifesting good fruit.

It was then that I realized that competition and kingdom couldn't coexist in my step-parenting.   

Our role as a stepmom has eternal ramifications and we would do well to seek wisdom from God as we walk in it. Each day we get to choose competition or Kingdom. If God’s “Well done my good and faithful servant” was based on how well you followed Him in your step-parenting, would you hear those words? Let’s make every effort to hear Him speak that our labor was not in vain. 

Today take a moment and repent for not allowing God to lead you on this step-parenting journey. Then ask him to begin to show you what it looks like for you to walk it out with Him leading. 

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But I'm ONLY The Stepmom!

Being a stepmother is challenging and can often seem very unrewarding. From one stepmother to another, I understand! That is why I wrote this devotional. I want to walk with you as you learn to unapologetically walk in your assignment as a Stepmother. Your assignment is critical to the life of your stepchildren and in this devotional, we will discuss just what that 'assignment' might look like.
