Reading the Bible in Historical Sequence Part 8预览
Jeremiah says God is stirring the spirit of the Medes to destroy Babylon. Seraiah (Zedekiah’s quartermaster) took this prophecy on its future defeat to Babylon, read it publicly then threw it in the Euphrates.
Note Jeremiah 51:1–58: The public reading and sinking of Jeremiah’s scroll in the river was a declaration to the Satanic spirits of Babylon that God was finished with them.
In the beginning was the Word … but what came next? This plan is for anyone who wants a better understanding of the Bible. It provides a chronological reading program that endeavors to place all biblical passages in their date order. Part Eight of this twelve-part one-year reading plan is titled ‘A Destroyer Carries Judah into Exile: 629 BC–587 BC’.