All About Releasing Creativity预览

All About Releasing Creativity



Godly wisdom and understanding (creativity) is the key to promotion! The scripture portion for today, 1 Kings 4:29-34, refers to a lot of numbers:

· 3000 proverbs

· 1005 songs

· Plant life

· Animal kingdom

The passage is referring to King Solomon, the ruler of the greatest nation on earth at the time. Yet, he found time to write songs and study nature. Kings are busy building, governing, ruling, defending, but Solomon still prioritized his creativity. 

Remember that creativity is a prophetic act meant to reveal the nature of God. It’s prophetic because you take something from the unseen realm and make it manifest in this one. 

You are a prophetic act from the imagination of God. Think about it:

· Your lungs are bigger than a tennis court

· Your nerves are 45 miles (72 kilometers) long

· Your circulatory or cardio vascular system is 60,000 miles long (96,500 kilometers) - two and a half times around the earth

· Your DNA is 70 trips to the sun and back. Each adult human body has 6.5 foot lengths of DNA strand in each of your 37.2 trillion cells and if all your DNA could be bunched up, it would fit into a cube about the size of an ice cube. Then if all the strands in a human body could be strung together, it would stretch from earth to the Sun and back—70 times!  (“Length of a Human DNA Molecule,” The Physics Factbook, Edited by Glenn Elert.)

What does this tell me about God? He is an intelligent designer. DNA is not just information it is a code, a language. DNA itself is a great testimony to a Genius Creator. 

What does this tell me about me? You are bigger on the inside than you are on the outside. That is why man can create things so much bigger than himself or herself. Think about a massive auditorium that can seat 2500 people – this was first inside the heart and mind of the builder. He saw something bigger than himself in the spirit and he created it in the natural. 

Take for example Matthew 28:19, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.” How is someone like me supposed to do that? Disciple nations? The call of God always seems bigger than our natural capacity. If I measure by external standards then I will feel incapable and incompetent, but if I measure by the testimony of my internal physiology and biblical standards then I get an entirely different picture. 


· You are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).

· You have the mind of Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:2-3).

Do you know and understand the creative capacity we have with the mind of Christ and Holy Spirit living in us? Don’t underestimate your creative inheritance.

You are created because someone else was creative.

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