Love God Greatly: To Do Justice, To Love Kindness, To Walk Humbly预览

Love God Greatly: To Do Justice, To Love Kindness, To Walk Humbly


Micah speaks today to those with “power on their hand.” These richer citizens coveted the land of the poorer farmers and they spent their days thinking about how to take their land away. 

I don't know how things are where you live. Where I live, money is power. Corruption has reached such high levels that you can buy everything and everybody. If things don't work out the way you want, you just fill the pockets of the men who make the laws and they will change them for you. This is what was happening in Judah. They took what they wanted because of their wealth and their authority, thinking that it was their right to do as they pleased to make huge profits that would make them even richer. 

Proverbs 22:22 says, “Do not rob the poor, because he is poor, or crush the afflicted at the gate.” The Lord has a big heart for the poor, for the afflicted, for the oppressed. He will provide justice for them. 

Judah didn´t want to hear the prophets God had sent them and continued in their wicked ways. They didn't want to hear that soon the lands of the rich would be taken away by a foreign power. Are we listening to what God is telling us? Are we changing our behavior? 

Dear God, I don't want to have a heart of stone, but a soft heart to hear Your voice and live accordingly to Your commandments. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Love God Greatly: To Do Justice, To Love Kindness, To Walk Humbly

We are surrounded by injustice and pain. We see it not only in our world but also in our own lives and it can be disheartening and overwhelming. But we are not without hope. This is what Micah is all about. He is not afraid to get in our face about some hard topics like sin and judgement.
