30 Day Prayer Challenge预览

30 Day Prayer Challenge



In the Lord's Prayer, our model prayer, we are directed to ask our Father in Heaven for daily provision, daily "bread." Rather than trusting that it will show up again and again we must realize that we are dependent upon the Lord. God is not only interested in our spiritual lives, He is interested in our physical and material lives as well. So prayer is not only for God's heavenly glory, but prayer is provided for our earthly good.

Now, it may not seem all that spiritual to ask God for "bread," but we must keep in mind that His meaning here addresses not just physical bread, but also bread of the spiritual sort. When we pray, "Give us this day our daily bread" we are expressing our dependence on God and conveying our gratitude for His gracious provision in our lives.

Truly, no matter how hard we work, how much we earn, and how cleverly we invest and save and buy, all that we have is a gift from His hand. Every good thing comes from God.

Praying for daily bread reminds us to live one day at a time. Psalm 37:25 reveals that David knew something about depending upon the Lord for daily needs. He said: "I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread." When we are persistent in prayer for our daily provision, God is pleased to provide for us. This puts us in a position of reliance upon God and fills our hearts with gratitude!

What is your greatest need today? Bring it to God in prayer.


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Find peace, purpose and strength with Jesus in prayer. 

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30 Day Prayer Challenge

The purpose of this devotional is to motivate you to return to prayer and challenge you to pray boldly and consistently for 30 days. As you embark on this journey to reignite your prayer life, I pray that God would open your heart so that prayer becomes an essential part of your life. I truly believe that one month from now your life and the lives of those you love will be changed!
