Why Are You So Mad?预览

Why Are You So Mad?


Be Angry but Do Not Sin

As human beings, we can all relate to struggling with anger. It does not matter how patient, kind, and lovable we are. At a given moment, we all get angry. The Bible recognizes that this is a common reaction, yet it warns us about its consequences. 

A survey shows that 70 percent of new American referees quit their jobs within the first three years of work. Based on the study carried out by the National Association of Sports officials, all referees agreed on their reason for quitting: pervasive abuse from parents and coaches. The question that arises from this survey is, why do we get angry at what is supposed to be a fun time? How is it possible that something that should be a pleasant and enjoyable time becomes a “war zone”?

Our culture is filled with movies that show us people getting mad and expressing their fury for different reasons and in different ways: Mad Max, Falling Down, Anger Management. Characters react with increasing violence facing their frustrations. It is very common; it is human. The well-known Latin saying states, “Errare umanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum” – to err is human, but to persist is diabolical.

If anger is so common among us human beings, what is the problem? The Bible warns us, “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold” (Ephesians 4:26–27). 

It is crystal clear that the reaction of anger is normal, but the problem is that it can become sinful. The results of anger can hurt us and our relationships. All through these days, we will analyze the “why” behind our anger; we will go to the root of it, expose it, and get rid of all the hindrances that stop us from walking in righteousness.

Thought of the Day

It is ok to get angry, it is not ok to sin because of anger. 

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Why Are You So Mad?

What's the "why" of your anger? Is it about God’s purposes or your preferences? Get to the root of your anger and choose forgiveness each day.
