21 Prayers Every Christain Should Pray预览

21 Prayers Every Christain Should Pray



Today’s Scripture Reading: Psalm 5:11-12, Psalm 125:1-2

Psalm 125 comes from a section of Psalms called the “Psalms of Ascent”. These were Psalms that were sung by God seekers as they journeyed up to the holy city of Jerusalem. As they viewed the city and God’s Temple, surrounded by Mt. Zion, one of their confessions was, “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people…” 

God’s eyes are always on His children. He is always present, always attentive, always vigilant for the care of His most sacred possession. As you pray today, acknowledge God’s presence in your life. Know that He is surrounding you. He is with you all the way. He is for you. You are His and He is yours.

Today’s Prayer Focus: Faith, Confidence, and Trust 

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21 Prayers Every Christain Should Pray

Twenty-one simple, Bible-based prayers that will enrich your prayer life and help you draw closer to God.

