Songs Of Praise预览

Songs Of Praise


Joy in the Journey

Webster’s Dictionary defines joy as, “gladness or exhilaration of spirits; to exult.” Unger’s Bible Dictionary defines it as, “a delight of the mind arising from the consideration of a present or assured possession of a future good.” Notice the three important facets of this definition: 

  1. It is of the mind meaning there is a choice to having joy.
  2. It is based on a consideration of a present or assured possession (not necessarily material but something you have now).
  3. It is a future good. We can choose to have joy because we possess something or have a certainty that we will. 

Psalm 16 reveals six significant reasons we have right now to choose joy – joy for the here and the hereafter. 

David lays out his first reason for joy – he takes shelter or refuge in God. David seeks shelter under God because He is the only one who can provide it.

The second reason is that God has provided goodness all around him in the form of the saints – other believers. There is great cause for joy in knowing that there are those around David who are pursuing God and are in this life with him. How many times has God provided a believing friend to come alongside you in difficult times? They are your delight – your joy. 

Because David has placed his trust in God he will receive an inheritance. David has been assured by God that he has a future inheritance. As a believer, you have one too!

David’s fourth reason for joy is the Lord’s wise counsel which is a rock of wisdom in his life that is available to you too for the asking. 

The fifth reason, and perhaps the biggest reason for joy, is that as Christ was resurrected, believers in Him are as well. God did not allow His Son to stay in the grave and He does not allow us to stay in the grave either. As Christ was raised up so are we. That’s a promise and a huge reason for joy.

David’s final reason is that we can enjoy a rich life now and forever and that rich life is found in His presence. 

David gives us 6 reasons for Joy – a refuge, the righteous ones around us, rewards, the rock of wisdom, the resurrection, and rich life. God desires joy for us and He provides it!

Is your spirit experiencing the exhilaration that comes from knowing you possess the greatest gift ever given, the life of Christ?

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Songs Of Praise

Songs of Praise is a six-day devotional on songs in the Bible that will help you grow in your spiritual walk as you praise God for who He is and what He has done for us. Let us continually praise His majesty.
