Jesus: The Better Priest - Jesus Is Greater Series预览

Jesus: The Better Priest - Jesus Is Greater Series


The Melchizedek Priesthood  

Thoughts on the Word

This chapter is how Jesus is greater than the Jewish Priesthood from the tribe of Levi. Remember this book is all about how Jesus is greater than everything that they were forced to leave of their Jewish heritage.

Jesus is like Melchizedek. A Priest that Abraham honored and paid his tithe to. Even Levi paid his tithe (10% of his resources) to him through Abraham! This story is found in Genesis 14:18-20 if you wish to read about it. The Jewish people honored the Levite priesthood above Jesus – who had a priesthood much greater than the Levite priesthood. They did not recognize in Jesus someone greater than Levi. They did not recognize in Jesus someone that Levi honored, that Abraham honored. Their eyes were blind to the spiritual nature of Jesus’ priesthood.

What does it take to recognize someone who is greater spiritually? We think it is easy - it is not. We look for titles, for gifting, for calling, for power and spiritual influence, recognition – these are not the key things. It is the child like faith. It is people being faithful with little things. It is people blessing when they are persecuted. It is people loving hurting people. It is people serving all people regardless of race, religion, background or status. These are great people - and we miss them just like everyone - except Abraham who did not miss Melchizedek.


Father, who around me is great - but I miss them because I see with physical eyes not spiritual eyes? Help me today to see people as You see them. Father, help me to honor these people as great people in Your eyes.

Father, help me to see Jesus as the greatest example of this - One that people overlook. They see a man - rather than the Son of God. They see a healer instead of the healing God. They see a compassionate man rather than the God of compassion. Father show me how to see with Your eyes. Things will look so different from Your perspective. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Jesus: The Better Priest - Jesus Is Greater Series

We start off Part Four of our Hebrews series with the third warning: Be careful not to fall away from Jesus. When we lose sight of Jesus and our relationship with Him, we can no longer access the greater life He gives and all that it brings. Jesus is the better Priest that gives us the better covenant. Without Him, we cannot live, walk and have access to God’s promises. 
