Stewardship Of Life预览

Stewardship Of Life


Unhealthy attitudes of bad managers 

In the parable of the talents, we find that the master commended the first two servants for their faithfulness. But when he came to the third one, we find that his basic attitudes towards the master itself were wrong and as a result, he was reprimanded.

Our behaviors and actions show what we believe to be true about God. The third servant’s belief about his master was that he was a harsh man and as a result he was afraid. This obviously was an unhealthy fear. Not a fear of reverence and honor, but of punishment. This servant seemed more worried about himself than the care of his master’s things. He offered excuses for his lack of action.

Our understanding about God will often hinder us from being good managers. Our God is not waiting with a stick to punish us, but He is a God who loves us and wants us to make the best of all that He has given to us.

Another hindrance to being good managers is just plain laziness. A good steward makes use of every opportunity. A bad steward wastes every opportunity.

Note the contrast between the verbs used for the five- and two-talent servants and those used for the one-talent servant:

• The five- and two-talent servants “went,” (v. 16) whereas the one-talent servant “went away.”

• The five- and two-talent servants “traded” with the money that had been entrusted to them, while the one-talent servant “dug in the earth”.

• The five- and two-talent servants “made” additional talents, but the one-talent man “hid” his master’s money.

The verbs used for the five- and two-talent servants are progressive (“went off at once”—“traded”—“made”), whereas the verbs used for the one-talent servant are regressive (“went away”—“dug in the earth”—“hid”)

The sins of omission is as dangerous as the sins of commission. When we know what we have to do but do not do it, it is being a bad manager.

We tend to think that God is in control of some aspects of our lives, but not all. When we think more about ownership rather than stewardship, we become selfish, not wanting to share with others. We become proud not realizing that all we have is a gift from God. We can also become ungrateful, focusing more on what we do not have, rather than being thankful for what we do have. We become shortsighted and think more of this life than the life to come. 

All these wrong attitudes lead to being bad managers. 

Quote: “There is no telling how much power God can put into a man. When divine strength comes, human weakness is no more a hindrance.” – Charles Spurgeon

Prayer : Lord, help me to be a good manager, making use of every opportunity that You give me and not be lazy and waste it. Amen 


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Stewardship Of Life

When we think about stewardship, we often think about money. But stewardship means “taking care of that which is entrusted to us.” This involves more than money. In this 7 day reading plan, we will learn about why this life and everything that we possess does not belong to us but has been given to us by God, and we are accountable to Him. This is what stewardship of life is all about.
