The Joy In Falling预览

The Joy In Falling


 Focusing on Jesus

If you're anything like me, you've come to realize that focusing on Jesus isn't always an easy thing. There are so many distractions in this world that we treat as idols and we don't even recognize it. I'm a skateboarder. I love traveling. I love meeting new people. I love exploring new places. When I was put in a hospital bed after an extensive ten hour and twenty minute surgery I quickly realized that I had many idols I didn't even know about. A big part of my identity was found in being a sponsored skateboarder. Social media was an idol for me. I desired to be in the big skateboard magazines, I wanted to be in videos that people wouldn't forget, I wanted to be known and loved as a skateboarder. You can imagine how sobering it was when a doctor looked into my eyes and told me that I will never be able to skateboard again. At some point my focus fell away from Jesus and onto myself. In our text today, we're going to pick up where we left off yesterday. It's a similar story where Peter's focus also fell off of Jesus.

Yesterday, we left off with Peter, a disciple of Jesus, doing the impossible and walking on water with his Savior. In Matthew 14:30-33 we are about to see things change drastically. In verse 30 we read that Peter took his focus off of Jesus. Peter saw the wind, he quickly became afraid and began to sink. In Peter's doubt, fear, and failure he cried out "Lord save me!"  Verse 31 tells how Jesus reached out and caught Peter. Jesus questions Peter saying, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" The first time I read this passage I thought Jesus was a little harsh on a man who almost drowned. When I look at it now I can see how Jesus was using that opportunity to teach His disciple.

How many times have you been given an opportunity but your focus quickly falls off Jesus? In our modern day and age we're more focused on what we want the way we want it. We want our desires in a fast, easy, and comfortable way. Most of us have no problem doing Jesus' work as long as it fits into our schedule.  We're basically a modern day Peter from this exact text. We are so focused on the wind, the storm, and depth of the water that we forgot our Savior has called us to do the impossible. Imagine if Peter kept his focus on Jesus the entire time. What other impossible things would he have been able to accomplish?

Focus: Today I encourage you to focus less on the wind. Let's try to worry less about the busy part of life and overcome the doubt that the world is trying to sell.  Let's try to focus more on Jesus. What are a few things you're doing daily that can be replaced by focusing on Jesus? 

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The Joy In Falling

If you're reading this, chances are you are in a similar place I once was. You may not be an athlete with endorsements or sponsors. You're probably not waking up from an extensive ten hour and twenty minute knee surgery. However, there is a good chance someone or something has taken you away from a specific desire you have. You may be in a place where you feel The Lord has left you. You're feeling abandoned. You're feeling forgotten. You've fallen and you don't know how or if you can get back up. This devotional is meant to encourage, support, and help navigate you through the falls in life alongside our savior, Jesus. My hope is that you will obtain the tools to not only be prepared for the falls but to also receive the vision to see the joy in the them. Enjoy, -Dylan Harreld  
