God's Favor In The New Year预览

God's Favor In The New Year


“You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance”. (Psalm 65:11 NLT)

What a powerful verse!

The ERV translation says, “You start the new year with a good harvest. You end the year with many crops.”

Psalm 65 is considered a National Psalm of praise and thanks to God for His goodness. It was apparently sung after the spring rains came in to water and refresh the earth. This song was even more meaningful if the Nation had been through a particularly bad dry season.

As 2017 ends, you may be reflecting about what happened in the past 12 months. Some will have testimonies, others will remember challenges, while some others may think of the health issues they had to face. Some would say, ‘It was my best year’, while others may say, ‘it could have been better’. The list can go on! 

While preparing this devotional, here are some old memories that went through my mind.

· I remembered a year when I ended up in hospital on January 2nd, due to a severe asthmatic condition

· I vividly remembered December 26th, 2004, when the horrible Tsunami devastated the coastline of my lovely country, Sri Lanka.

· I also remembered the end of one particularly disappointing year when Johnny Logan’s song “What’s Another Year?’ seemed to be a good anthem for me for the New Year!!!

· And of course, I remembered the year which I entered as a Born-again son of God, thanks to the amazing saving grace of Jesus!

What memories are going through your mind right now?   

Psalm 65:11 talks about God’s favor upon His people for the New Year. The NKJV calls it “His Goodness”. In what areas of your life do you need to see God’s favor in 2018? Can you believe for it to become reality over the next 12 months? Will you like the Psalmist say, “Send me a sign of your favor…for You, O Lord, help and comfort me” (Psalm 86:17 KJV). He will surely do it!


Lord, help me to trust you for favour over every area of my life and my family in 2018. Show me clear signs of your favour. Amen.  

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God's Favor In The New Year

This four day Bible Reading Plan is taken from Psalm 65, with particular reference to verse 11. It speaks about the promise of God’s favour for 2018. As you follow it, may you be inspired to trust Him for powerful blessings in the months ahead.
