与箴言 3:5相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
A U-Turn From Emotional Issues
3 Days
When your life is out of alignment with God’s Word you will almost certainly experience painful consequences. When your emotions get out of order and start to determine your well-being, you may find yourself locked in self-made prisons from which it can be hard to escape. You need to find a proper balance and learn how to trust in God. Let Tony Evans show you the path to emotional freedom.
4 Days
Trust is a fundamental part of the Christian faith. And your trust grows through encountering God and meditating on His Word. The following verses, when memorized, can help you to trust God in all of your days. Let your life be transformed by memorizing Scripture!
Going Through Hard Times
4 Days
Facing difficult situations in our lives is inevitable. But in this short 4-day Plan, we’ll be encouraged knowing we are not alone, that God has a purpose for our pain, and that He will use it for His greater purpose.
When Disappointment Strikes
4 Days
Been dealing with disappointment? None of us are exempt from experiencing it. No matter who we are, we’ll all walk through times when we didn’t get what we wanted. So, what do we do with our disappointments? Is it wrong for us to feel this way? In this 4-Day Bible Plan, we’ll look at how we define, accept, process, and use our disappointments for good.
4 天
How's Your Soul
5 Days
Judah Smith helps readers explore and nourish their souls as they grow closer to God.
GOD + GOALS: How To Set Goals As A Christian
5 Days
Is it okay to set goals as a Christian? How do you know if a goal is from God or yourself? And what do Christian goals look like, anyway? In this 5-day reading plan, you'll dig into the Word and find clarity and direction on setting grace-fueled goals!
The Bible Said What?
5 Days
If you’ve ever had questions about the Bible, you’re in good company! We've all been there. Sometimes, parts of the Bible can be really confusing. In this Bible Plan, we'll discuss some of the passages that can be hard to understand and learn some helpful tips for exploring Scripture.
How to Be Grateful for Your Life
5 Days
Throughout the Bible, we're called to “be thankful” and “give thanks.” Why? Because we have a lot to be grateful for! We won't become thankful by accident, but with an intentional habit of gratitude, we'll become even better versions of ourselves as we follow Jesus.
Unshakable Moms
6 Days
What if you knew how to build a house so sturdy, it couldn’t be moved by the storms of adversity? What if your foundation was so solid that even if the floor beneath your feet began to quake, you remained UNSHAKABLE? Patching and painting only lasts a while. We can’t hide behind pretty shutters forever. It’s time to allow His life to build us strong and established in His love.
Divine Time Management
6 Days
Traditional time management can cause stress when the goal is to get life "under control" by our own strength and self-discipline. But the Bible tells us we receive peace and rest when we trust God with our time. In this 6-day plan, you will learn how a God-centered approach to time management leads to receiving all the good He has for you, including His joy and peace.
This Christmas Don’t Give Up, Look Up
6 Days
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Things are looking up.” It means the situation is improving. The Bible tells us that things will start looking up when we start looking up. Get your eyes off your circumstances and onto God.
Why Did I Lose My Job If God Loves Me?
7 Days
If you're one of the millions of Americans in the midst of a career transition, chances are that you're discouraged by the difficulty of finding work. Practical and inspirational, each daily reading will help you find rich personal growth with God during this transition time. Taken from Rick Pritikin's book of the same title, this 7-day reading plan will help you find focus and meaning.
Dreams Redeemed
7 Days
What do we do when our dreams seem out of reach or even shattered? Having overcome abuse and trauma, as well as the heartbreak of a divorce, I have been faced with this question again and again. Whether you’re experiencing the devastation of tragedy or loss, or the frustration of a long season of waiting, the God-dream for your life is still alive! Friend, it’s time to dream again.
Jesus Loves Me
7 Days
If someone asked you, "What do I need to believe to be a Christian?" what would you say? By using the simple lyrics to a beloved song, "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so”, a journalist-turned-pastor helps you understand what you believe and why. Bestselling author John S. Dickerson clearly and faithfully explains essential Christian beliefs and powerfully illustrates why these beliefs matter.
拥有智慧必须是每个人的目标。智慧说的不仅仅是智力,或拥有高于平均水平的知识,智慧更是“以神的心为心”。我们可以根据神的旨意去理解、衡量甚至决定每一步, 箴言教导说:“因为耶和华赐人智慧,知识和聪明都由他口而出。”(箴言2:6) 通过“与耶稣同行”灵修系列,我们将学习成为主的门徒。靠着神的话语,智慧日益增长。
Waiting on God
8 Days
Are you waiting for God to answer your prayers? Do the days, months, and years go by with no evidence that your deepest longings will ever be fulfilled? If so, you’re not alone. Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he draws on personal experience and biblical principles to offer you encouragement when all hope seems gone and guidance to help you make the most of God’s delays.
Discover God's Vision
10 Days
Like Esther, God has ordained your life for such a time as this. His heavenly purposes for you are revealed and fulfilled through a daily relationship with Him. In this 10-day devotional by Dr. Michael Youssef, you will be encouraged to seek and respond to God’s vision for your life. Learn how to walk by faith and know God more deeply as you live with His eternal perspective.
Seek God Through It
10 Days
Depression. Anxiety. Triggers and traumatic events take a mental, emotional, and spiritual toll on us. During these times seeking God seems difficult and redundant. The plan, "Seek God Through It" aims to encourage and teach you how to be proactive in the presence of God so you may experience the peace of God, no matter your situation.
I Choose
12 Days
Do you ever feel like you’re trapped inside a choose-your-own-adventure book with someone else doing the choosing? Moms are right. Our choices actually do matter—a lot. This Life.Church Bible Plan accompanies Craig Groeschel’s messages into some of the most powerful choices anyone can make. Maybe we can't always pick our own adventures, but we can choose purpose, prayer, surrender, discipline, love, and importance.
12 Days
Scripture challenges us to seek wisdom above all things. In this plan, you’ll explore several verses each day that speak directly to wisdom—what it is, why it’s important, and how to develop it.
Battlefield of the Mind Devotional
14 Days
When war starts to wage in your mind, the enemy will use every tool in his arsenal to weaken your relationship with God. This devotional will equip you with inspirations of hope to conquer anger, confusion, condemnation, fear, doubt. These insights will help you uncover the enemy's plot to confuse you and confront destructive thought patterns. Gain strength, encouragement and victory over every battle in your mind.
Thrive. A 14-Day Devotional for Singles
14 Days
Despite what many people think, singleness is not a disease. It’s not the lesser option. Singleness is God’s gift to you today. In Thrive, Lina AbuJamra – who has been single for over 50 years – will show you how you can make a difference with your life right now instead of sitting around waiting for something to happen to you. If you’re ready to figure out what God has to say about singleness instead of relying on your own feelings and conclusions, this plan is for you.