与马太福音 13:21相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文

Ruth Challenge
4 Days
This is a 4 day challenge to read the 4 chapters in the book of Ruth - a great love story in the Bible. Ruth will challenge your understanding of relationships and enable you to see the beauty of God's redemptive love. Bible challenges go beyond reading; as we share our understanding with each other, so as you read, hash tag #RuthChallenge via twitter to share your points. Bible Challenge MOTTO: The Bible is JUICY. The Bible is LIFE. The Bible is for YOU!

要想获得蒙福且丰富的回报,就必须从先作出正确的投资。如果你是初信主的基督徒,那么,你对你的信仰最大的投资就是定时定候吸收上帝的话语。从这里开始,你每天研读、了解圣经,并把它切实运用在你的生活当中。引自戴维史旺特(David J. Swandt)所著「从世界出来:一个基督徒成长和目标的指引」一书。

7 Ways to Renew Your Mind
7 Days
In Romans 12:2 Apostle Paul said that we are transformed by the renewing of the mind. Many of us think that once our life is transformed, then our mind will be renewed. It is the other way around. When we were born, most of us came out into this world, head first. When your mind is changed, your life will be transformed. Remember, where your mind goes, your life follows.