与路加福音 1:44相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
4 天
圣诞节是一个充满着商业气息的节日。购物与大餐、欢笑与消费,五彩纷呈的橱窗、五花八门的娱乐,仿佛成了这个节日的主题。圣诞节,也在向我们发出这样一个问题:我们到底想要什么?是那转瞬即逝的浮华与欢笑?还是一份真正的、从永恒而来的礼物? 将临期(Advent)是指“即将来临”的意思,我们在这期间透过安静预备自己,记念耶稣基督两千年前在伯利恒的马槽降生,默想祂此刻在我们心中的同在,也企盼祂在末世的荣耀中再来。我们渴望上帝介入我们的生命,经历光照与觉醒,在熟悉的事物中发现上帝同在的痕迹,经历救赎的喜乐。 将临期主题四:盼望之光——迎接主的来临殷切地盼望主的再来 将临期第四个主日,最后一根紫色蜡烛会被点燃,代表平安的意思。我们在等候中迎接主的来临,这不仅包括记念基督首次降临,也包括盼望主的再来。在等候中,我们投入新的委身与使命,为上帝的国度而活。主再来的日子虽然未知,但愿我们时刻预备自己,警醒不懈,因为祂必会如期而至。愿这份殷勤的盼望,推动我们前进。 灵修阅读计划按照四个主题而编排: 启示之光——醒悟与等候以迎接一个崭新的开始 复苏之光——悔改与洁净以选择从罪恶归回上帝 喜乐之光——重拾生命中的恩典并以耶和华为乐 盼望之光——迎接主的来临殷切地盼望主的再来
The Christmas Story
5 Days
Every good story has a plot twist—an unexpected moment that changes everything. One of the biggest plot twists in the Bible is the Christmas story. Over the next five days, we’ll explore how this one event changed the world and how it can change your life today.
5 天
Joy: A Countdown to Christmas
7 Days
Christmas is supposed to be a season of joy –– but what exactly is joy and how do you choose it when the world is filled with hurt and hardship? Discover what “joy to the world” really means by immersing yourself in the Christmas story with this special, 7-day Christmas Plan.
Noel: Christmas Is For Everyone
12 Days
Over the next 12 days, we’re going to take a journey through the Christmas story and discover not only why it’s the greatest story ever told, but also how Christmas is truly for everyone!
Hope Is
14 Days
We all want to believe something better is in store. And God knows we need more than gifts under the tree to find joy. What we need is hope. Created by NewSpring Church, this plan will help you discover the power of hope and how it changes our view of everything in our lives.
24 天
Rediscovering the Christmas Season
25 Days
Start a new Christmas tradition with a non-traditional twist on the season of Advent. An ideal start date for this adventure is December 1st, while an earlier start allows a more relaxed pace. Includes reflection questions and action steps to center each day on Christ. Great for individuals, families, or small groups.
Joy! to Your World! A Countdown to Christmas
25 Days
Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven’s entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experiences of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias and Elizabeth, the shepherd and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.
Advent: The Journey to Christmas
25 Days
Christmas is truly the greatest story ever told: one of God’s perfect faithfulness, power, salvation, and unfailing love. Let’s take a journey over the next 25 days to discover God’s intricate plan to save the world from sin and the promises fulfilled in the birth of His Son.
Postures Of Advent: A Daily Christmas Devotional
27 Days
How we posture ourselves in the Christmas season makes all the difference in our experience of the miracle of the Advent. Be inspired to surrender to Jesus, refocus on Him, and embrace the grace of our King in this 4-week daily devotional as you move through five different postures: Eyes Fixed, Head Up, Knees Bent, Hands Open, and Arms Wide.