Luk'as Dooshishiyo 24
Iyesus k'irotse b́tuwok'o
(Mat. 28:1-10; Mar. 16:1-8; Yoh. 20:1-10)
1Mááts máátsuwots bok'anits shituwo dek't torbanotsi shints aawots (sanbat eenots) datsgatson dowomand boami, 2Doowo ipets shútso dowatse okaan kukulwutsat b́befere bodaatsi. 3B́ gitsots bokindormo doonzo Iyesus duuno daatsratsno. 4Keewuman jangatse bok'alituwo dart adoke bobefere aawok'o goliru tah tahdek'ts ash gituwots waa boganok need' boguts. 5Mááts máátsuwots ayidek't shatwtsat bo tooko dashan gup'ndek't bobefere ashuwots, «Eegishe kashetso k'irtsuwots dagotse it geyiri? Bosh boet. 6Bíwo hanoke aaliye, tuure, Gelilin b́teshor itsh b́ keewutso gawude'ere, 7#Mat. 16:21; 17:22-23; 20:18-19; Mar. 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34; Luk'. 9:22; 18:31-33 ‹Ashna'o morretsuwotssh beshide imewo, jitewonat keezl aawotsowere k'irotse tuwo bín geyife› etre b́teshi.»
8Mááts máátsuwotswere Iyesus keewuts keewo gawu bodek'i, 9Doowoknowere aanat jaman tatse ikuwotsnat ortswotsnishowere bo keewu. 10Hanowere b́ woshtswotssh keewtsuwots megdela eteets datstsu Mariyamna, Yohannat Yak'ob ind Mariyamna, mank'o mááts k'oshuwotsu fa'ano botesh. 11Boomó keewman boosh gúmo bíartsosh boon amaneratsno. 12Ernmó P'et'ros tuwut doowo maantsan b́ wos'i, manok b́ bodiyakon túmt b́s'ilor duunats takets duuni taho hariyon wozets taho biyl b́ befere b́ bek', wotts keewu manatse tuutson adfetst b́ moo maants k'az bían.
Iyesus b́danif gituwotssh b́be'etsok'o
(Mar. 16:12-13)
13Manots aawots Iyesus shuutso shaefwotsitse gitetsuwots Iyerusalematse tatse git kilometrok'o wokat fa'u Emahusi err s'eegef galomand bo amiri. 14Bowere wotts keewu jamman tuzt bo atsatsewo bo keeweyiri botesh. 15Manowere bo keewor Iyesus b́ tookon bo maants t'int bonton sha'o dek't b́tuwi. 16Eree bo aawon bek'fetst koni b́wottsok'o dano falratsno. 17Bíwere, «Sha'efetsat it keeweyiru keewhan eeb naaroni?» boosh bí et.
18Boyitsi iko K'elyop'i eteefo, «Daganitse Iyerusalemitse k'aleets keewuwotsi danawu ib asho n s'uzneya?» bísh bíet.
19Iyesuswere «Eebi b́ naaroni?» bí et. Bowere hank'o ett bísh boaaniy, «Nazrettso Iyesus atsats bodts keewoni! bí Ik'onat ash jami shinatse keewonat finon kup' wotk Nebiye b́ teshi. 20Kahani naashuwotsnat noon jishiruwotsn k'irosh beshi dek't bo imi, bínowere bo jiti. 21Noomo ‹Isra'eli fariytwotuwo bíne› etaat no jangirwo bíne b́teshi. Wotowa eree jam keewan b́ wotiyakon hamb keezl aawoniye. 22Eree noyitse fa'a mááts máátsuwotsitse ik ikuwots noon adirne, bo hamets guur b́ doowo maants amtni botesh, 23Ernmó b́ duuno daatsratsno, ‹Iyesus beyar beetke!› etiru melakiwotsi bek'on no bek'iye ett aanat bowaa. 24Noyitsnowere ik ikuwots b́ doowo maants amt mááts máátsuwots ettsok'o wotat bíere bodaatsi, Iyesusnmo be'aatsno.»
25Iyesuswere hank'owa boosh bíet, «It t'iwintsrawanotsna et Nebiyiwots keewuts jamo it amaneraok'o it nibo shuutso maants getseyiruwanots! 26Krstos gond bek' jamań de'er b́ mango maants kindo bín geyiyalkeya?» 27Maniyere hakon Musena et Nebiyiwots mas'afatse dek' tuut S'ayin mas'aaf jamotse b́ jangosh keewetso kitsfetst boosh kish b́keewi.
28Bo boamiru galok bo t'intsok'on Iyesus beshar ametuwok'o bíari. 29Boomó, «Datso ilere, aawunuwere iloshe bíetiri, mank'o b́wottsotse noonton hanok k'ewe» ett kup'idek't bín bok'on, mank'o b́wotere bowok k'eyosh bo moots b́kind. 30Bonton mishimarts beeb́dek'i, misho k'a'údek't Ik'o b́ údiyakon tiitsdek't boosh b́imi. 31Manoor bo aawo k'eshe b́uutsere Iyesusi b́ woto danbok'ri, bímo manoor boawatse ááshb́gutsi. 32Bowere boatsatsewosh «weerindatse no sha'efere noosh b́keeworonat S'ayn mas'aafwotsitse kitsfetst noosh b́ keewor no nibotse tawok'o biat'eferoshna b́teshi?» bo atsatsewosh boet.
33Bowere manoor tuut Iyerusalem maants aanat k'azboam, manokno b́ danif tatse ikuwotsi bonton fa'uwotsnton ikn kakuwedek't bo befere daatsbodek'i. 34Bowere «Doonzo Iyesus arikon k'azturee! Sm'onshowere be'ere!» boetiri.
35B́ daniru gitetsuwots bo tookon weerindatse wotts keewonat doonzo Iyesus misho b́ titsor aawok'o k'alt bodantsok'o bo keewi.
Iyesus b́danifuwotsats b́be'etsok'o
(Mat. 28:16-20; Mar. 16:14-18)
36Bowere han keewoke bo befere Iyesus b́ tookon botalots need'dek't, «Jeeno itsh wotowe!» bíet.
37Boomó meyo bobek'tsok'o boosh bíarere tek'at shatoon s'eenbowtsi. 38Iyesuswere hank'o boosh bíet, «Eegishe it tek'iri, eegishe it nibotse amano it k'aziri? 39Tkishuwotsnat ttufwotsn taan t wotk'o danere, taan shu'ar s'iilere, tiatse it s'iliruwok'o meyo meetsonat mak'tson deshatse.»
40Hank'o ett b́ tufonat b́ kishon boosh b́ kits, 41Bowere gene'onat aydek't aa'doke bobeyruwotse andoru amanerafa'no bo teash. Iyesuswere «Meetuwo it detstso fa'a?» ett boon bíaat. 42Bowere mus'o mistetsu muk'na'ú bísh boim. 43Bíwere k'aaú dek't bo shinatse b́maa.
44Iyesuswere, «Itnton tteshor Musesh imets nemo, Nebiyiwotsnat t Duubi mas'afatse t jangosh guut'etso jamo s'eeno bin geyituwe etaat itsh tkeewutso haniye» bíet.
45Maniye hakon s'ayin mas'aafwotsi t'iwintso bofalituwok'o bo nibo boosh k'eshb́k'r. 46Hank'owo boosh bíet, «Krstos gondo b́bek'etuwok'owonat keezl aawotso Kirotse b́ tuwituwok'o shin guut'ere, 47Mank'o b́ shútson naadre etonat morrosh orowe eton Iyerusalemiyere tuur dats jamatse ash jamosh b́ nabitwok'o guut'ere. 48Itwoor jam keewansh gawu itne, 49#Wosh. 1:4 Hambe! taa t nih itsh imetuwe ett b́ jangitso itsh deyitwe, itwere dambe ango tahok'o tah itdek'fetsosh Iyerusalem kitutse betere.»
Iyesus daromaand k'az b́tuutsk'o
(Mar. 16:19-20; Wosh. 1:9-11)
50Maniye hakon Iyesus b́ danifuwotsi Iyerusalem kitutse kishdek't Betaniyi datsats b́ borfetso dek't bíam, manoknowere b́ kisho jargdek't boon b́deeri. 51#Wosh. 1:9-11 Boon deroke b́beyiruok'on boatse k'aleyat daromaand k'az b́tuu. 52Bowere bísh bosagadi, geneeúfetst Iyerusalem maants k'az boaani. 53Ik'onowere údefetst aawu aawon Ik'i mootse t'ut'uerakne boteshi.
Àwon tá yàn lọ́wọ́lọ́wọ́ báyìí:
Luk'as Dooshishiyo 24: BrnNTLtn

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