Believing for a Move of God: A Prayer Guide From Gather25نمونہ

Embrace Holy Interruptions
How interruptible are you? Peter and John were going somewhere they had been before, perhaps even twice already that day when God broke in and interrupted their lives. The God who met them at Pentecost is still meeting them afresh each day, leading, prompting, and interrupting their lives.
The Aramaic word for prayer is Slotha. It literally means “to set a trap.” “To set your mind like a trap and wait patiently to catch the thoughts of God.” It could almost mean “tuning in.” Prayer tunes us into God’s voice and enables us to remain tuned in as we go about our day. We need a prayer life that is open to INTERRUPTIONS, we need a life that is open to the spontaneous promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, we want to be tuned in to you, attentive to your promptings and leadings as you commission us to share your gospel. May we hear you clearly as we seek to proclaim your kingdom to the world around us.
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As Gather25 approaches, we are excited to share a 21-day prayer guide to invite you to join us as we prepare our hearts, build our faith, and encourage one another to share Jesus. Each day, we will share Scripture, a thought and a prayer to help you prepare your heart to gather with Jesus followers around the world. Take time to read the provided Scripture aloud, pause, and reflect. End your time in prayer and make each day your own.