Healing: Embracing God in the Lowest Valleysنمونہ

Healing: Embracing God in the Lowest Valleys

4 دن 7 میں سے

I can bet that during your healing season, you have felt alone. Isolated. The enemy secludes us, he sneakily whispers doubt into us, and he tells us we are better alone. That we are a burden and don’t need to turn to our people for help. He tries to keep us secluded because he knows that when prayer warriors start to intercede, he loses his power. Do not let the enemy seclude you. Keep reaching out to the ones who will pray over you. Better yet, get with them in person, and allow them to lay hands on you. Our God will be there.

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew18:19-20NIV

The last three years I have spent in this specific valley, sometimes the trenches were so deep I was terrified I would never be able to climb out. The trenches reached down into my core and ripped away every single thing that gave me joy. In the trenches, I could slowly feel my light burning out. I couldn’t take it. So I would retreat. In those trenches when I should have been reaching out to my prayer warriors, when I should have been communicating my pain, I shut down and shut out everything and everyone. I would go days without talking to anyone except my family. I didn’t want to have to share my burden with anyone else. For several reasons, my burden is rare. My burden touches less than 5% of the population. So it's hard to truly describe the pain I would be in and even more it was hard for people to truly understand it. The longer my pain happened the more needy I felt. I was so vulnerable and unwilling to allow anyone to see me in that state. Instead of letting my people in I pushed them away. This was a mistake. Because community is so, so important, we need communication with Christians. We need that close-knit group of friends that can hold us up. The people who are willing to walk in the trenches with us, the ones who are willing to hold our hands up when we can’t. The ones who pray over us when our words feel lost. We need those people.

I encourage you to reach out to your prayer warriors the next time you are at your lowest. They may not understand what you are going through but they will be there to pray for you. Most times prayer is all they can offer you and we must be greedy when it comes to prayer. It can be hard to be able to pray for yourself when you are in the trenches of a healing season, we must rely on those people to use their words for us. If you have the right prayer warriors in your life they won't see it as a burden but a blessing to be able to pray over you. Let them in, let them be your voice when you can't pray.

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مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

Healing: Embracing God in the Lowest Valleys

Do you ever wake up wondering where your healing is? Do you ever question if God has forgotten you in your pain? I am here to tell you He hasn’t. Not once has He forgotten you. This study explores the definition of healing and what it means for believers. We don’t get a free pass from pain and suffering because we are believers, rather it gives us the opportunity to use it for His Kingdom. While healing can be brutal and devastating it can also be beautiful and encouraging, if you allow it, our God will use you.
