Living in Increase (Part 11) - Increase in Joyنمونہ

Week 3: Gratitude
This is the Day
Every time I read this verse, I think of a song we would sing as a family during our devotional times. The song was entitled, “This is the Day,” and if you know it, you know that it is a direct representation of Psalm 118:24. When I was little, I didn’t realize that the songs we were singing would stay in my heart forever. I didn’t know we were singing Scripture, but I’m thankful my parents led me and my brother in these songs so that God’s Word could be in our hearts at a young age.
This week, we are talking about thankfulness. November is a classic month to talk about gratitude, but gratitude should take place in our lives every day. Giving thanks is critical to increasing joy, and throughout this week, we will see this in the Bible.
I wanted to start our week with Psalm 118:24 because if you’re looking for a reason to be thankful, you always have one. Today–this day–is the day that the Lord has made! No matter the circumstances, we are to rejoice and be glad in the day the Lord created. So, if you need a reason to be thankful, thank God for today. Thank God that He made today, and you’re alive to live it!
Emily N. Green
Action Step: Every day this week, set a reminder to thank God for the day He created.
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Are you ready to increase in joy? Join us for this 35-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.