Journey With Jesus 365نمونہ

Journey With Jesus 365

106 دن 365 میں سے

A well-known preacher filled a certain pulpit where it was customary for the minister to wear a robe. When asked whether he would do so, he replied, "If I need not, I will; but if I must, I will not."

Is it wrong to follow tradition? Not necessarily. It is always wrong, however, to treat tradition as an authority. It is proper to please men whenever we can do so in good conscience, as long as we are pleasing God. It is not proper to bow to the insistence of men and their traditions, as the Pharisees did, making the commands of men equal to the commands of God.

The answer of Jesus was overwhelming. He plainly showed that their traditions often transgressed the commandments of God. In verse 3, he gave proof of this in their custom of Corban, as it is called in Mark 7:11. The commandment of God said, "Honor your father and mother, and he who curses father or mother, let him die the death," quoting Exodus 20:12 and Leviticus 20:9.

In what areas of your life might you be following traditions or practices that conflict with the commands of God? How can you ensure that your actions align more closely with Scripture rather than tradition?

The preacher’s response highlights the difference between personal preference and adherence to tradition. How do you distinguish between what is a matter of personal choice and what is a command from God in your daily life?

Jesus warned against elevating tradition to the level of God's command. In your relationships or church community, are there ways you might be more focused on pleasing others than on pleasing God? What changes could you make to prioritize God’s will in these situations?

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Journey With Jesus 365

Experience authentic and lasting life change as you strengthen your relationship with Jesus! Journey with Jesus 365 will take you on a journey to better understand the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Each day you will have readings from one of the gospels, while also reading through the whole Bible in one year. Daily devotions are focused on the life of Jesus, and provide context for the reading and practical ways to apply Biblical truths to the life of the believer. Start your Journey with Jesus today!
