Living in Increase (Part 2) - Increase in Loveنمونہ

Living in Increase (Part 2) - Increase in Love

24 دن 28 میں سے

Spirit of Power

For the remainder of the week, we will study 2 Timothy 1:7. In the place of fear and timidity, God has given us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. When we understand the power God has placed in us, we can love ourselves better because we appreciate the Holy Spirit inside us.

The Greek word for “power” in this verse is dynamis. Like dynamite sets off a powerful and bright explosion, God has placed explosive and dynamic power inside us!

Think about New Year’s Eve. If you’re already asleep when people around your neighborhood or apartment complex launch fireworks at midnight, the fireworks will likely wake you up! Why? Because these fireworks are dynamic. They demand to be noticed. They are bright, loud, and beautiful. The fireworks influence the atmosphere and those around them. Likewise, the spirit of power allows us to influence those around us.

The same power that “raised Christ from the dead” and “seated Him in the place of honor at God’s right hand” is available to us (Ephesians 1:20)! When you’re tempted to think poorly of yourself or give into fear, know that God’s spirit of power lives inside of you. Live boldly, knowing that God has given you spiritual power and influence!

Emily N. Green

Action Step: The next time you feel afraid, speak 2 Timothy 1:7 out loud. Remind yourself that God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power!

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