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Journey With Jesus: 31 Days Devotion From the Gospel of Markنمونہ

Journey With Jesus: 31 Days Devotion From the Gospel of Mark

15 دن 31 میں سے

Lose and find

Think of something you really, really want. Is it the latest gadget, an exciting job opportunity, or a relationship with that great guy or girl?

Now ask yourself this: Would you be willing to give it up to follow Christ? Why?

According to Jesus, if we want to be His disciples, we are to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him(v34). We make ourselves smaller and enlarge Christ. We say no to our self-centred ways and yes to what Christ commands. We place more importance on Christ’s interests and desires than our own.

Jim Elliot was an American missionary. His love for Christ and people motivated him to bring the Gospel to the Huaorani tribe in Ecuador. Tragically, he and his teammates were killed by the very people they wanted to reach out to.

Jim Elliot remains an inspiration to Christians today. He once said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” His words echoed one great paradox of the Christian faith – whoever is willing to lose his or her life for Jesus and for the Gospel will find it(v35). To Jim Elliot, giving his life for Christ and the Gospel was the best thing he could ever do. He might have lost his physical life, but he gained the eternal life that Christ has promised to those who follow Him wholeheartedly.

There is no better way to live than to devote ourselves fully to the Gospel. How can we live for the Gospel today? How should the Gospel influence how we treat our family, classmates, colleagues, or church? How can we tell others about the Gospel?

Living for Christ and the Gospel may bring about hardships and heartaches. But just as we share in Christ’s sufferings now, we will participate in His glory in the future. At the end of the day, we know that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life(John 14:6). Knowing this truth, we can be assured that all that we go through for Christ will be worth it.

What hinders you from following Christ wholeheartedly? How can you overcome the obstacles and develop a single-minded love for Christ and the Gospel?

دِن 14دِن 16

مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

Journey With Jesus: 31 Days Devotion From the Gospel of Mark

Who is Jesus Christ, the Son of God who died for man's sins? What is His story? The stories we read about this God may date back hundreds of years. Yet, it is the very same God who also cares about our struggles, fears, and hopes today. Take time each day to read the Bible and this set of devotions to find out more!
