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Why Reading God's Word Is a Big Deal.نمونہ

Why Reading God's Word Is a Big Deal.

2 دن 8 میں سے

In Deuteronomy 6, God tells us how important his Word is and how we should weave it into our lives.

Are the words of God on your heart? Are we talking about them with our families? Are we encouraging our kids with them? Are we talking about the goodness of who He is and what He's created? Are we weaving his stories in ours? Are we pointing others to Him every chance we get? Or are we talking just about our trials, pains, and circumstances? Are we talking about the Word of God when we're amongst strangers? Or what about in our online conversations?

He says we should be talking about His Word when we lie down. So many of us fall asleep thinking about what we see on the news, what we read on social media, or what we are bingeing on TV. And what's the first thing on your mind when you wake up? Is it the worry of the day to come? The stress of your job? The hurry of getting the kids off to school? The endless to-do lists?

For real, mine is usually coffee, and then as soon as I sit down, I start talking to God in the quiet. Then I turn on my audio Bible so that the first thing that I hear in the morning is God's Word.

I know I will hear so many other people's words for the rest of the day, so I need to level set before I start those encounters.

He says, "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes." A frontlet is a decorative band or ornament worn on the forehead. It's kind of like a modern-day graphic hat. God is saying to keep his Word in front of our eyes. You're going to see SO much through the day that will distract you and cause doubts, frustration, anger, irritability, pain, anxiety, and stress. So, to prepare us, he gives us His Word that brings life, goodness, peace, rest, and joy.

So, maybe you don't feel ready to just be spouting off scripture to strangers wherever you go? The more scripture is rooted in your heart, the more it will overflow from your mouth. So, open your Bible.

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مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

Why Reading God's Word Is a Big Deal.

Have you ever asked God why you are here on Earth or what his will for your life is? Studying the Bible is the foundation of our faith. It’s how we learn who God is, how we learn who we are, and how we learn our purpose. Discover how the Bible can change you from the inside out and see why it’s a big deal!
