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Called to Moreنمونہ

Called to More

1 دن 5 میں سے

Have you ever felt like God is calling you to more?

I’m not talking selling everything, saying goodbye to everyone and packing up to move to Africa. Though God has done some great things through people who did just that! No, I’m talking more about that feeling in your gut that wants to leave a legacy and make some kind of impact on the world for Christ. That’s where I was 10 years ago. Maybe I was like the rich young ruler, minus the rich part.

I was a faithful member of a local church, you know, went to Sunday School, worshiped in a big church and gave when the offering plate came down the pew. I tried to tell family and friends about Jesus too. I was even able to go on the occasional mission trip. But I wasn’t sure if this was all that Jesus meant when he said:

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19 NLT)

For me, I didn’t feel that tug or call to go into full-time ministry. I wasn’t called to be a pastor of a church or a missionary overseas either. I felt stuck. I felt I wanted to do something more! I couldn’t afford to quit my job and travel from town to town like the Apostle Paul. And yet, the beginning of that verse stuck with me – “make disciples of ALL nations?”

How does someone who only speaks English, lives in the U.S., and needs to make a living – How does that Christian obey the Great Commission?

As a believer, God has a plan for each of us to reach the world for Christ, just like those who He calls to full-time service. But how do we know what that plan is? God has a lot to say throughout scripture about the many roles in reaching the nations.

For "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? (Romans 10:13-15a NLT)

In these verses, the Apostle Paul tells us there are 2 important roles in fulfilling the Great Commission:

  • those who GO
  • those who SEND

Paul takes the cake as the “he who goes” example, but he knew how important the senders were to his mission. In the next few days, we’ll take a deep dive into those two roles.

As you think about God’s call on your life, do not look at the limitations or the what-ifs. Ask God to show you what your role is in His mission.


Heavenly Father, I know that I have a responsibility to obey the Great Commission. Will You show me what I can do?

دِن 2

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Called to More

Have you ever felt like you were called to more? I'm talking about that feeling in your gut that wants to leave a legacy and make an impact on the world for Jesus Christ. This study looks at the ways that God has used His followers to fulfill His call of the Great Commission.
