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Anxiety Strikesنمونہ

Anxiety Strikes

5 دن 8 میں سے

Day 5: Fight Back!

Anxiety is attacking you relentlessly. You’ve put your guard up. You’re relaxed and keeping your eyes open so you can see what is coming next. So why are you still being hit?

Because you haven’t hit back yet! Everyone knows a bully will keep on bullying someone until they get a taste of their own medicine. It’s the same way in a fight. If your opponent never gets hit, there is nothing to stop them from attacking you without relief.

This is why fighters learn to counter punch. A counter punch is a strike you throw after defending the blow your opponent threw at you. They are designed to strike your attacker where they are most vulnerable.

For us to counter punch anxiety we need to hit it where it hurts the most. We need to strike it with the truth and promises of God. At its core our anxiety affects us because we are afraid that everything will not be ok. We are afraid of the nightmare outcomes and worst-case scenarios. Those things may not ever happen, but they still affect us just the same because thoughts can be really powerful.

Knowing that the maker of the universe cares for us, loves us, and will always provide for us defeats the lies anxiety swings with. We know that God works out even bad situations for good.

The problem is these truths are hard to remember when everything around us is falling apart. Circumstances can scream louder than our faith. We get caught up in the moment and forget how big and good God is.

Even worse, sometimes we don’t know the truths and promises of God, making us even more vulnerable to lies.

When Jesus was preparing to start His earthly ministry, He went out into the wilderness and fasted for 40 days and nights. This made Him super vulnerable. So the enemy came to tempt Him. Jesus fought Him off with 3 counter punches from the Scripture that knocked the enemy out.

How committed are you to learning the Bible? If you already are, great! If you aren’t, look up some daily Bible plans in this application to help you get started. You will need the Word of God to fight back!

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Anxiety Strikes

When anxiety strikes it can be overwhelming and debilitating. Whether it is slowly built over time, or when it suddenly crashes down like a wave, our response to it determines the outcome. This devotional is meant to give you the tools to fight back and thrive under anxiety.
