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Bible Characters Who Fulfilled Their Destiny: And How You Can Do the Sameنمونہ

Bible Characters Who Fulfilled Their Destiny: And How You Can Do the Same

5 دن 10 میں سے


Ruth’s destiny was to join a very specific family. Ultimately, her calling was to become the great-grandmother of King David, and thus form part of the lineage of Jesus. During her own lifetime, one of God’s plans was for her to marry Boaz — but first, to be contentedly loyal to her mother-in-law, Naomi.

Ruth’s quiet devotion

When Naomi is incredibly despairing and bitter at the loss of her sons and husband, Ruth chooses to comfort her by sticking by her side: ‘wherever you go, I will go…your people shall be my people and your God, my God.’ Ruth had no idea that God would bless this vow to yield such incredible fruit: Ruth was only choosing in the moment to look after someone important to her. She had a quietness to her spirit that Boaz later comments on: ‘ have shown more kindness at the end than at the beginning, in that you did not go after young men, whether poor or rich.’ Ruth’s determined kindness to Naomi and Boaz meant that she stepped into her calling and destiny. She ignored the temptation to pursue a comfortable life of her own choosing and tied herself to these two people instead. God, in turn, ties her into Jesus’ story, even though she was a Moabite and not an Israelite. We are still blessed by her story centuries later.

Reflective Question

In Ruth 3:18, Naomi gives Ruth an interesting instruction: ‘sit still.’ She’s telling Ruth to wait patiently. Ruth has actually exemplified nothing but patience so far! It’s as if Naomi is speaking these words to calm her own troubled mind. She goes on to say, ‘the man will not rest until he has concluded the matter this day.’ Do you believe that? Do you believe that you can rest, contentedly lying at the feet of Jesus, until He has concluded the matter this day? Do you believe that He is busy arranging your destiny on your behalf? That you enter into His promises and your calling through rest? All that He requires of you is the unwavering devotion demonstrated by Ruth.


Father, I thank you that You are arranging my destiny on my behalf. I commit, this day, to be quietly devoted to you, and the people in my life you have given me to minister to. I will serve them in love. I will serve You in love. I will be content, faithful, and loyal by the power of the Holy Spirit in me. Teach me to have the quiet trust that Ruth had. Please bear fruit in my life as I rest in You.


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مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

Bible Characters Who Fulfilled Their Destiny: And How You Can Do the Same

Within us is a great desire to fulfill some kind of destiny. Learn from Joseph, Ruth, Esther, David, Solomon and Rahab, who all had a calling on their lives that ended in victory. God has given us these stories to learn how to do the same. 'Destiny' isn't a strange concept that falls outside your faith. In your day-to-day life, you are being shaped for His purposes.
