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Because God Loves Me, I Refuse to Live Rejected!نمونہ

Because God Loves Me, I Refuse to Live Rejected!

2 دن 3 میں سے

Where Is Your Focus?

It’s difficult enough to deal with the rejection privately, but what about when it’s a public family matter?

Let’s continue the story of Leah, an unwanted wife in pursuit of her husband’s love.

More Background.

Still desirous of marrying Rachel, Jacob agreed to work for Laban for another 7 years.

The New Living Translation records, “When the LORD saw that Leah was unloved, he enabled her to have children, but Rachel could not conceive” (Genesis 29:31). Consequently, Leah gave birth to 4 sons, one after another.

1. She named her first son Reuben, saying, “The LORD has noticed my misery, and now my husband will love me” (Genesis 29:32).

2. She named her second son Simeon, saying, “The LORD heard that I was unloved and has given me another son” (Genesis 29:33).

3. She named her third son Levi, saying, “Surely this time my husband will feel affection for me, since I have given him three sons!” (Genesis 29:34).

4. She named her fourth son Judah, saying, “Now I will praise the LORD!” (Genesis 29:35).

Leah then stopped having children for a while.


With the births of her first three sons, Leah seemed to think of them as means for gaining Jacob’s love. Yet it seemed that the more she focused on what she lacked, the more separated she was from what she wanted. With her first son, Leah had hopes of Jacob loving her. By the time her third son arrived, Leah had lowered her aim to settling for Jacob’s affection.

Child of God, where is your focus in your troubling circumstances? Is the circumstance you’re focusing on becoming more resistant to your efforts? Are you, like Leah, doing the same thing over and over in hopes of getting a different outcome?

To get a different outcome, you need a different strategy. Are you ready to shift your focus up to the Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent One Who is willing and able to bring you through your circumstances?

Child of God, God has not and will not reject you. The presence of your circumstances does not mean an absence of His care for you. Absolutely not! God is love and love never stops loving. In your tough times, God, Who cannot lie, promises to be with you. You are precious to Him.


Surer than the rising of the sun each morning, God, your Father loves you – unconditionally, completely, and consistently – no matter your circumstances.

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مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

Because God Loves Me, I Refuse to Live Rejected!

What circumstances are bothering you, child of God? Does their presence challenge your trust in God? If so, this plan can help you stir up the confidence to boldly face your circumstances. Child of God, God says He loves you and will never forsake or leave you. God says you are His. Nothing can separate you from His love and advocacy. Refuse to live rejected. Why? Because God loves you!
