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An Anchored Identity: An Invitation to Abiding Confidence and Security in Christ a 5-Day Plan by Brittany J. Turnerنمونہ

An Anchored Identity: An Invitation to Abiding Confidence and Security in Christ  a 5-Day Plan by Brittany J. Turner

5 دن 5 میں سے

Day 5: I am His Forever (Sealed)

In ancient times a seal was used to denote two things- to express authority and to enhance security. It was a signature in a way, providing validity for what was inside, but also discouraging theft as well. In the Bible, we can see a seal used both with Daniel in the den and even to ensure Christ himself would remain in his tomb.

It’s crazy; they sealed and secured what they thought was dead, yet God always knew it was alive.

God beholds each of us in a similar way. Born into sin and bound by its treachery, our human hearts are broken and deceitful. Just one trip around the Old Testament can show you how fickle the human heart can be, even in response to a holy and loving God.

But do we need to look any further than our own testimonies? Our own faults and sin expose us themselves.

But God.

“But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!) For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus.”- Eph 2: 4-6

God is so abundantly good and passionately in love with us that He took what was dead and made it alive again. We too were raised with Christ from the dead. He broke the seal of death and instead exchanged it for a seal that promises eternal life.

The Holy Spirit lives within us from the moment we place our faith in Christ. Through the Spirit, we are empowered to overcome sin, and reminded of our permanent position in right standing with God. (Romans 8: 26-27)

We are secure and sealed. Our position is unshakeable. Nothing can change it.

Once an object was sealed, only the owner of the seal or someone he delegated had permission to remove it. God is the only one who could ever let you go, and He won’t. There is nothing too bad, no mistake too large, no anger all-consuming, no fault too big, and no chasm too wide that God would discard us. We are just too precious to Him. (Romans 8:35-39)

It is in Him, and from this truth that we draw our confidence.

Family, God wants us to rest assured that we are seated with Him, both now and forever.

We no longer live our lives hoping to be acceptable enough or trying to prove our worth. We don’t have to find our space in the world, instead, we live and serve from it.

The Holy Spirit is living in us as a reminder, a down payment, on the glorious inheritance awaiting us when we finally return to Him.

Our confidence in this life comes from our unchangeable seat in another. We are sealed as His beloved, all because we have been marked, set apart, and redeemed by Him.

Lord, I am yours. Help me to know it with every fiber of my being and to walk boldly as you have designed. I know that by your Spirit & timing, you are refining me bit by bit. You already see my worth, and you have anchored it eternally in you. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.


I have a permanent position in Christ. I am secured as I am, and being washed and renewed day by day. God is faithful and patient with me. My worth has already been established and settled. I am enough because He made it so, and by His Spirit that lives in me, guiding me by His loving grace. In this, I will anchor my identity, and by these truths, I will walk confidently in His love forever. Amen.

Reflection Questions-

You have a permanent position in Christ. How does your view change when you consider the Holy Spirit secures you for God forever? How will you live differently knowing that your position is secure and worth already established?

In light of what you’ve studied what must you believe or do in order to live this confidently?

Did this Plan encourage you? Would you like to keep these affirmations nearby? Grab your copy of the Affirmation Cards here!

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مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

An Anchored Identity: An Invitation to Abiding Confidence and Security in Christ  a 5-Day Plan by Brittany J. Turner

Chosen. Forgiven. Redeemed. An Heir. And His Forever. Are you ready to experience life with the full confidence of heaven behind you? Do you know who you are and to whom you belong? Join Brittany on a 5-day journey into the first chapter of Ephesians to illuminate your place in Christ. Join her and discover how you can anchor your identity in the finished work of the cross.
