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Don't Lose Heart - Steven Curtis Chapmanنمونہ

Don't Lose Heart - Steven Curtis Chapman

3 دن 4 میں سے


But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. —Hebrews 3:13

Anyone who has experienced loss, pain, suffering, and grief (which is all of us at some level) knows how hard it can be to keep a tender heart as we journey through this life, surrounded by the effects of sin and “the fall.”

As we see in scripture, sin is the origin of every difficulty, pain, and grief we face. Now, of course, this doesn’t mean that every time you face difficulty, it’s because you did something wrong, and it certainly isn’t to say that loss, suffering, or grief is wrong or that it inevitably causes a hardened heart. However, we live on a sin-cursed earth for the time being, and because of that, bad things happen…and will happen to you and me. Remember Jesus' words to his disciples and us; he says, “in this world you will have trouble….” Thankfully, He doesn’t stop there…but he goes on to say, “take heart in the fact that I’ve overcome all that this troubled world can throw at you. As we face those difficult and trying times, we need to remember that the “dark days” can fool us…they can make us feel hopeless. As my pastor often reminds me, things are so often not as they appear.

And we also need to be aware that the hard times and difficult seasons won’t cause us to lose heart immediately… it’s often a process that can occur over time.

In verses 7-11 and again in verse 15, the writer of Hebrews used the Israelites’ forty-year journey in the wilderness as an example. The Israelites continually chose to distrust and disobey God. The original intended recipients of those words in Hebrews were being warned because they were in danger of doing the same. In verse 12, they’re told to be careful… not to let their hearts be turned away from the living God by evil and unbelief. The solution? They needed to urge and encourage each other every day with the truth.

And so do we. God has given us each other to face life on this journey through the shadowlands of this sin-cursed earth together. He has given us each other to help us obey Him when we think it’s too hard. He gives us each other to remind us not to lose heart when we’re grieving sin and sadness. So, let’s not wait until tomorrow. Let’s make the most of the opportunities we’re given to encourage each other “as long as it’s called today.”

·Is there anyone you know whose heart seems to be “hardening”? How does Hebrews 3:13 speak to you about that?

·What are some reasons we might put off encouraging someone who is facing hard times and dark days?

·Thank God for the people who have encouraged you in those times when your heart could have easily become hardened. Ask Him to help you be that kind of friend to others.

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مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

Don't Lose Heart - Steven Curtis Chapman

God has created us to do life together; He knows life is hard and that we need encouragement. God has promised that there’s a day coming when life won’t be hard anymore. He gives us each other to remind us not to lose heart when we’re grieving sin and sadness. So, let’s not wait until tomorrow. Let’s make the most of the opportunities we’re given to encourage each other “as long as it’s called today”. Don't lose heart. Join me in this four-day reading plan. -Steven Curtis Chapman
