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21 Days to Sweeter Friendshipsنمونہ

21 Days to Sweeter Friendships

14 دن 21 میں سے

Filled to Overflowing

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16, ESV

It’s a huge water jug that holds 64 ounces of water. Mine is clear, and I fill it to the brim each night before bed. Sometimes, I set the bottle in the sink under the water to fill up, walking away. When I come back to the sink, I often find the bottle overflowing with fresh, cold water. It’s spilling out all over the sink.

Filled to overflowing with fresh water spilling out all over the place, this is a beautiful picture of the Christian life. We are to have so much of Christ filling us up that we are overflowing with joy, hope, and wisdom. When we let the message of Jesus, in all of its richness, flood our hearts, the overabundance will be amazing!

What will the overflow look like?

  • We will teach, admonish, counsel, and instruct others with incredible insights.
  • There will be a song on our hearts and maybe on our lips.
  • Thankfulness to God will swell up within us.
  • We will be filled to the brim with hope.

So, how full are you today? Is your heart overflowing with the hope of Jesus? If so, wonderful! If not, why not? You can fill up with the fullness today.

Prayer– Father, I want to be filled up to overflowing with You, Your love, Your hope, and Your power. Would You fill me today? I need You and Your imprints of grace all over my life.

Reflect– As you think about my big water bottle overflowing in the sink with fresh water, can you relate? Are you a water drinker too? How about spiritually? How full are you of Jesus and His power? List 3-4 things you might do today to fill up more. (Pray, spend time in the Bible, read great inspirational books, listen to Christian music or podcasts).

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21 Days to Sweeter Friendships

Friendships -- Relationships -- Community. We all need and desire these things, but often we do not enjoy them like we could and as God intended. Join us for a 21-Day Bible journey to encourage better relationships and more community. You will be inspired, challenged, and offered much practical wisdom about developing and maintaining deeper and more meaningful friendships.
