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Marriage & Moneyنمونہ

Marriage & Money

1 دن 6 میں سے

The following devotional content includes text from Chuck Bentley of Crown Financial Ministries and his book Money Problems, Marriage Solutions.

Day 1: Unity with Your Spouse

One of the main reasons Americans are delaying marriage, or putting it off altogether, is due to a lack of financial stability – 34% of never-married individuals aged 25-34 list it as their main concern for not getting married.

Money is also consistently cited as a reason couples get divorced and seems to be at the root of so many arguments in marriage.

But did you know marriage is not the cause of your financial problems? It is the very best solution!

Contrary to what you’ve heard, seen, or been told in the media today, the benefits of marriage FAR outweigh all other forms of living arrangements, in all areas.

There are some scary statistics about divorce, but they tend to be exaggerated and rarely touch on the benefits and joy of marriage.

So what’s the secret to having a lasting marriage, and a financial plan that works?

Unity with Your Spouse

Just like anything of great importance, you need a plan if you’re going to succeed. Your financial plan must be grounded in Scripture and agreed upon together. One spouse making a budget and trying to force the other to follow is not sustainable or unifying.

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” – Ephesians 4:2-3

When two people submit to God and His Truth, character traits like flexibility, forgiveness, kindness, and support will flow from each other. Think about Matthew 6:21 – “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

If you and your spouse’s hearts are aligned, then your finances will be as well. It takes effort, and you don’t magically give up your preferences or habits overnight. But when your hearts and finances are aligned, rooted in God’s Word, you’ll find unity with your spouse.

دِن 2

مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

Marriage & Money

Did you know marriage is not the cause of your financial problems? It is the very best solution! Learn what God says about money and marriage. If you align your values with His, you can agree with your spouse about money. Love and honor each other and commit to building your marriage on God’s philosophy of money.
