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7 Truths of Marriage: Rest in Connectionنمونہ

7 Truths of Marriage: Rest in Connection

6 دن 7 میں سے

Truth In Contentment

Now godliness with contentment is great gain. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil... - 1Timothy 6:6, 9-10

“If only ___________,” 

We can all fill in the blank. If only I had more money, a better car, a bigger house, a newer this or that. When we exist in a state of discontentment, there’s nothing that will ever satisfy us. Not even our spouse. While the subject of this verse is the Apostle Paul’s warning to Timothy about money, the truth of always wanting more, or new, or better, or bigger applies to everything in life.

Being content reflects your relationship with God. Are you content in Christ? If you are in a season of agitation over not having enough of something that you feel you’re entitled to, or that you’re dealing with something you feel you don’t deserve, is your unrest a result of a spiritual conviction or personal opinion? 

If it’s seeking God’s will for your life, then pursuing His desires placed in your heart is one thing. If it’s selfishness, then that’s the opposite of contentment and it’s greed. This is a perfect season to examine where you are in your faith walk as well as your marriage. Discontentment in one area usually spreads to others such as your relationship with your spouse.

Walking in contentment is vital in marriage because it teaches you the value of patience and persistence. That will apply to everything like actively waiting to achieve financial, family, faith, and career goals. Keeping up with the Joneses isn’t scriptural nor does catching them lead to contentment. Covetousness is one of God’s ten commandments and remaining in a state of discontent may lead you down that very destructive sin-state.

Being content does not mean you aren’t ambitious for having or doing more in life, but it does help assure that the things you want more of are in God’s will for your life and marriage. Contentment also shows you are thankful for what God has given you and are a good steward of those gifts. Enjoy what you have in life and show that you are willing and capable of caring for God’s provisions and soon He will bless your marriage with more because He is a good Father who loves to give good gifts.

Truth Time:

Are you content in your marriage? That doesn’t mean “settling in” and simply being married. Contentment in marriage allows you both to grow deeper in your relationship and all that God has provided. If you are not content, invest in the time to pray for God to reveal what is stirring discord in your spirit.

دِن 5دِن 7

مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

7 Truths of Marriage: Rest in Connection

Dr. Scott and Leah Silverii share the truths of marriage in their 7-day reading plan. God is love and before we can truly love our spouse as God loves us, we must know God and love. Each day highlights one truth from God’s Word as it applies to growing your Christ-centered, covenant marriage. Daily truth prompts also encourage spouses to read together and engage over what was experienced.
