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Is God Calling Me Into Full-Time Ministry? - 7 Questions to Considerنمونہ

Is God Calling Me Into Full-Time Ministry? - 7 Questions to Consider

4 دن 7 میں سے

Day 4: What costs would be involved?

“For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” — Luke 14:28

Jesus urged those who would follow Him to be “all in.” All who would follow Him must deny themselves, take up their cross (burdens, challenges) daily, and live, love and lead like Jesus. Simply put, He challenged would-be disciples to “count the cost” (Luke 14:25-33). 

As you consider whether God is calling you to full-time ministry, counting the cost comes into play in a couple of ways. First, will doing so put you in a better position to help others know and grow in Christ, or would it actually remove you from such opportunities? You’ve heard it said, “Bloom where you’re planted.” 

Counting the cost is a key consideration when it comes to your family as well. Truth is, too many well-meaning Christ followers have sacrificed their families on the altar of “ministry.” Will your decision draw your family closer to Jesus or inadvertently push them farther away? How would the answer to this affect your decision? 

Today’s Prayer:

Father, I need Your Holy Spirit’s guidance especially when it comes to counting all of the costs such a decision would have. I don’t want to skip a beat in representing You in my home. I also long to be used of you to make a difference in this world for eternity’s sake. No matter what Your answer is to full-time ministry, help me to live an “all-in for Jesus” life . . . and may I not skip a beat in “being there” for those closest to me, helping them know and grow in Christ! 

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مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

Is God Calling Me Into Full-Time Ministry? - 7 Questions to Consider

Maybe you’re looking at the pastors and staff in your local church and asking God if He’s calling you into full-time ministry as well. Or perhaps one or more Christian parachurch ministries has caught your attention; maybe they could use someone like you. Here are seven questions for you to prayerfully consider as you seek God’s clear direction on this major life decision.
