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Releasing Spiritual Gifts Todayنمونہ

Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today

4 دن 12 میں سے

The Gift of Discerning of Spirits

For ease of presentation, I group the nine gifts from 1 Corinthians 12 into three different sets of three gifts each. The first set includes the gifts that “reveal,” the second the gifts that “do,” and the third the gifts that “speak.” In the next three devotionals, we will cover the gifts that reveal: discerning of spirits, a word of wisdom, and a word of knowledge.

The gift of discerning of spirits (“distinguishing of spirits” in some translations) operates a bit like a spiritual Geiger counter in detecting a source that is not apparent to the natural senses but nevertheless is present and is exerting some form of influence. The gift provides perception into the spirit world—which includes the Holy Spirit, both good and evil angelic spirits, and individual human spirits.

To discern means to distinguish, to differentiate, or to perceive, and people exercise the gift of discernment in different ways, often through their senses. We each must practice discerning good from evil. (See Hebrews 5:14.) No one starts out being able to discern perfectly. 

New Testament Glimpses of Discernment

We see different categories of discernment illustrated throughout the New Testament accounts of Jesus’ ministry and that of the early church.

Discerning the Holy Spirit

John the Baptist discerned the Holy Spirit when the Spirit descended upon Jesus from heaven like a dove at His baptism. (See, for example, Matthew 3:13–17.) The believers in the upper room on the day of Pentecost discerned the presence of the Holy Spirit as the sound of rushing wind and as tongues of fire resting on their heads. (See Acts 2:2–3.) We do not know if they could discern these things with their natural ears and eyes or if it was entirely supernatural; but in any case, they agreed on what they had experienced.

Discerning Angels

Scripture says that an angel appeared to Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, “strengthening Him” (Luke 22:43). After Jesus’ resurrection, Mary saw two angels in the sepulcher where Jesus’ body had been laid. (See John 20:11–13.) An angel appeared to Paul to give him a message of reassurance when he was in the midst of a violent storm at sea. (See Acts 27:23–24.) Angels do not look or act the same at all times; therefore, it takes divine discernment to know whether what you are seeing is actually an angel that you can trust.

Discerning Human Spirits

From afar, Jesus discerned a guileless spirit in Nathanael. (See John 1:47–48.) Shortly thereafter, He discerned the opposite of a guileless spirit in people who believed in Him only for His miracles. (See John 2:23–25.) Years later, Peter famously discerned the wrong motives of Simon the magician.  (See Acts 8:20–24.) On the positive side again, Paul discerned a “spirit of faith” in a lame man in Lystra. (See Acts 14:8–10.) 

Discerning Evil Spirits

During His earthly ministry, Jesus discerned many evil spirits manifested in various forms. Once, He cast out a spirit of infirmity that was causing a woman to have serious curvature of the spine. This deliverance from an evil spirit resulted in the woman’s immediate healing. (See Luke 13:11–13.) 

The apostles also discerned evil spirits. When Paul and Silas were preaching in Philippi, a slave girl trailed them around the city, bothering them by persistently announcing to the public, by means of a spirit of divination, who they were. Her interruptions were not helping their preaching because, apparently, every time she made a pronouncement, it was as if a nullifying blanket of unbelief was cast over the place. Finally Paul had had enough, and, without warning, he dispatched the evil spirit. (See Acts 16:18.) Nobody had to tell Paul, “This slave girl is prophesying by the power of an unclean spirit.” He was simply able to discern it. After he cast out the evil spirit with the commanding word, the atmosphere was cleansed. Now their preaching could break through.

These are only a handful of the many notable occasions when the gift of discerning of spirits came into play in the New Testament. I am sure that, many times, the gift was operating in “undercover” ways, just as it does today, without being mentioned at all. Unless this gift is in operation, the church cannot achieve—and maintain—health and growth.

Purposes of the Gift

Obviously, one of the primary purposes of the gift of discerning of spirits is for the sake of people’s deliverance. This is what happened when Jesus encountered the woman with the spirit of infirmity. 

A related purpose of the gift is to reveal and expose the servants of Satan and to put a halt to their work and utterances. This is what happened when Paul exposed the evil motives of Elymas the magician. (See Acts 13:9–10.) In Philippi, after Paul had discerned and cast out the evil spirit from the slave girl, not only did evangelism take root in the region, but the slave girl’s owners could no longer exploit her demonic gift for financial gain. The gift of discerning of spirits is also a vital help in exposing false prophets and satanic error in doctrine. (See 1 Timothy 4:1–2; 1 John 4:1–3, 6.)

By the operation of this gift, a person can better cooperate with the Spirit, whose movements are often so discreet as to be almost imperceptible. (See, for example, John 3:8.)

Guidelines for Operating in the Gift

The only way to learn your own “language” for the gift of discerning of spirits is through practice. Your senses can be trained, and over time you can learn from experience how to interpret what your senses pick up. Remember, Scripture says, “Solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil” (Hebrews 5:14). You can also immerse yourself in the Word so that you can recall key truths, as needed, to confirm your senses. This will keep certain scriptural advice in the forefront of your mind.

Sometimes, the clearest way to understand your discernment is to examine the fruit of a person’s life. (See Matthew 7:16–20.) Keep an eye on the fruit within your own life, too. Your insights and perceptions should never be used in gossip or for purposes of defamation, but always for edification and building up the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit wants to cure and mend the members of the body, not harm them. Never ally yourself with the accuser of the brethren, the devil! (See Revelation 12:10.)

As you can see, the gift of discerning of spirits has the potential to be explosive; therefore, it is crucial to use wisdom while exercising it. To keep from learning everything the hard way (and potentially doing damage), obtain wisdom beyond your years by consulting others who have greater experience with the gift. Get into the habit of praying a discernment or a revelation back to the Father before you act on it. Seek His guidance for the application of what you have received. At the least, you can intercede in prayer. Spirit-guided intercession is always appropriate. God will guide you all along the way; just keep up an ongoing conversation with Him.

Are you satisfied with your own level of discernment, or do you believe the Lord has more for you? I want to more precisely perceive the operational spiritual forces that are behind things; and when they are forces of darkness, I want to displace them and release more of the brilliant light of God’s kingdom rule and reign. That is why I believe that we should ask for this gift of the Holy Spirit. “You do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2; see also John 16:24). Let me emphasize again that God’s gifts are not toys for us to play with on public platforms; they are tools for building His kingdom. He is waiting for us to become all we can be in Christ Jesus.

دِن 3دِن 5

مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today

Learn the way the Holy Spirit operates in the lives of believers through spiritual gifts. Then, explore the nine gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12, with biblical examples and contemporary applications. These are not the only gifts God gives His people. But they are vital to understand and activate, according to His leading, for the fulfillment of the Great Commission in an outpouring of His love, grace, and power.
