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Dancing in Freedom of Grace by Pete Briscoeنمونہ

Dancing in Freedom of Grace by Pete Briscoe

8 دن 8 میں سے

Leading Captives to Love

Former Iranian hostage Barry Rosen touched down on an American tarmac 30 years ago and spilled into the arms of a wife and two young children lost to him during 444 days of captivity. —Michael Hill, AP

There’s something about seeing someone set free that lights me up. I mean, when a person has been held hostage for much too long, their whole body has a language it speaks when it realizes freedom has come.

As the absence of captors and walls sinks in, the one set free spills into the arms of those waiting. Tears of gratitude flow. Emotion surges through laughter and sobs. As the anguish of captivity fades and falls away, it’s replaced by the joy of freedom that’s here to stay. It’s been given; it’s finally here.

I love seeing those scenes in the news because it’s a powerful reminder of what Jesus has done for our souls:

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)

There’s a certain joy that comes from freedom, and that joy is anything but silent. As the burden breaks, the chatter begins. Joy fills our emotions to overflowing—we can’t contain our praise! Joy writes the story on our lips, and we can’t silence it—it becomes the music of our life.

And we dance. We dance because we’re free.

We join in the song and the dance of the Israelites who, after generations of slavery, erupted into celebration.

He brought out his people with rejoicing, his chosen ones with shouts of joy. (Psalm 105:43)

We have nothing left to do except living in freedom, proclaim it loudly, and dance to show the other captives the way of grace.

Lord, teach me how to live in this joy. I am free and Your Spirit in me is rising. My joy is a gift unwrapped in the presence of freedom—I cannot contain it! It stretches my body to the limits of praise. My arms in the air—unshackled and with praise—and my feet moving in step to the rhythm of freedom. Live through me, Lord, this unscripted life of freedom. Lead me in a dance of joy that never ends. Amen.

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  1. How might you be marching to earn God’s love—instead of dancing in what Christ has already accomplished?
  2. What does dancing in the freedom of grace look like in your life?
  3. How can you communicate the beauty of grace to others caught in the monotony of marching?
دِن 7

مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

Dancing in Freedom of Grace by Pete Briscoe

Believe it or not, the Christian life is a dance! You may have been raised to see it as a march of rigid rule keeping, but nothing could be further from the truth. In this 8-day reading plan, Pete Briscoe invites you to explore the difference between marching to earn God’s love and dancing in the grace He freely lavishes in Christ. Can you hear the music?
