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10 Challenges Every Dad Must Conquerنمونہ

10 Challenges Every Dad Must Conquer

10 دن 12 میں سے

Day 10 You’re overwhelmed and unfocused. 

Getting focused

You no doubt see the tension in trying to be intentional yet feeling as if we are failing miserably as a dad. Why is that?

The Pew Research Center reported some interesting stats related to this topic:

  • 56% said it’s difficult to balance work and family.
  • 81% report feeling rushed resulting in less time with their kids.

This attitude of intentionality should drive us in all we do—not just in our work—but as husbands and fathers. I think this was the attitude the Apostle Paul described in Ephesians 5:15-17 when he wrote, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” (ESV)

First, Paul said to “look carefully” or to give special attention and purposeful thought behind the things we do. Paul also said, “making the best use of the time”. This implies some thought and intention should go into how we’ll use the hours of our day for work and family time. Finally, Paul said, “do not be foolish”. Don’t do stupid stuff! That’s intentionality.

Let’s explore what intentionality looks like related to five major areas of our lives. We can be the dad who engages his children with a plan on purpose. These ideas will get you started: 

Education: Communicate the importance of education – it isn’t optional, it’s a priority.

Health: Look for opportunities to go for walks, jogs or runs with your kids.

Sports: Use walking, jogging and running together as training and preparation for a 5K, 10K or marathon together.

Relationships: Surprise your kids by picking them up from school for a special date.

Church: Do you want your kids to grow up to be involved in church? Then they need to see you serving at church.

Becoming a focused father won’t happen overnight, but you can start to take great strides to help yourself become more intentional.

What’s one area you can pick now to get more focused on? 

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مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

10 Challenges Every Dad Must Conquer

Feel overwhelmed—or worse—like a failure? We took your most-pressing challenges and matched them up with battle-proven, busy leaders who also happen to be dads—to give you theologically deep and super-practical help. You CAN be the dad God calls you to be. This plan will help.
