Matthew 7:7
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“Ask, and it sal be gien tʼye; seek, and ye sal hae; chap, and it sal be unsteekit tʼye.
Дослідити Matthew 7:7
Matthew 7:8
“For ilk ane that asks obteens; and he finʼs wha seeks; and till him wha chaps it sal be openʼt.
Дослідити Matthew 7:8
Matthew 7:24
“And sae ilka ane hearin and performin thir sayins oʼ mine, sal be likenʼt till a wyss man, wha biggit his hoose on the rock.
Дослідити Matthew 7:24
Matthew 7:12
“And sae, aʼ things whatsoeʼer ye wad that men soud do till yersel, div ye do eʼen sae tae them; for this is the hail Law and the Prophets.
Дослідити Matthew 7:12
Matthew 7:14
“For strett is the yett, and crampit is the fit‐road that airts awa to life; and but a wee wheen find it!
Дослідити Matthew 7:14
Matthew 7:13
“Gang ye in at the strett yett; for muckle is the yett, and braid is the causey, that leads on to destruction; and mony a ane gangs intilʼt!
Дослідити Matthew 7:13
Matthew 7:11
“Gin ye, than, bein sinfuʼ, ken hoo to be aye gien gude things till yere ain bairns, hoo muckle mair sal yere Faither wha is Aboon gie gude things to thae that ask oʼ him!
Дослідити Matthew 7:11
Matthew 7:1-2
“Judge‐na; that ye be‐na judged! “For wiʼ yere ain judgment sal ye be judged yersel; and wiʼ yere ain firlot sal yere corn be measurʼt till ye?
Дослідити Matthew 7:1-2
Matthew 7:26
“And ilka ane wha hears and dis‐na thir sayins oʼ mine, sal be like till a sumph wha biggit his hoose on the sand
Дослідити Matthew 7:26
Matthew 7:3-4
“And why soud ye craftily spy oot the mote iʼ yere britherʼs ee, and think‐na oʼ the caber iʼ yere ain ee? “Or wull ye say till yere brither, ‘Thole ye, till I tak oot the mote frae yere ee!’ and behauld! a caber is in yere ain ee!
Дослідити Matthew 7:3-4
Matthew 7:15-16
“Tak ye tent oʼ fause‐prophets, whilk come tʼye in sheepʼs‐cleedin, but iʼ the hinner‐end are devoorin wolves! “Ye may ken them by their frutes. Dae folk gather grapes frae the thorns, or figs amang thrissles?
Дослідити Matthew 7:15-16
Matthew 7:17
“Eʼen sae, ilka gude tree brings forth gude frute; but a fushionless tree brings forth ill frute.
Дослідити Matthew 7:17
Matthew 7:18
“A gude tree winna bring forth ill frute; nor can a fushionless tree gie gude frute.
Дослідити Matthew 7:18
Matthew 7:19
“Ilka tree that brings‐na forth gude frute is cuttit doon, and cuisten intil the fire.
Дослідити Matthew 7:19