Kingdom Rules (Part 1)—Disciple Makers Series #4Örnek

Kingdom Rules (Part 1)—Disciple Makers Series #4

6 günden 3. gün

Looking like who we are! 

Who are you?  If no one can tell, then it is a big problem.

Salt that does not release saltiness is useless.

Light that is covered and hidden is useless.

People of the kingdom who do not look or act like people of the kingdom—have no value to God and His kingdom.

Jesus is very clear here.  You are salt—so be salt.  You are light—let your light shine.  God made us to have a powerful impact on those around us.  We will be happy and blessed when we do what we are designed to do.  Those around us will be blessed as well.

Time to Pray

Father, today I ask to be a bright light and to shine clearly.  Today I ask to be salt that preserves.  It is what I am designed to do and I want to do it.  So keep my eyes clear and my heart pure so I can shine brightly from the inside.  I ask this in Jesus’ name Amen.    

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Kingdom Rules (Part 1)—Disciple Makers Series #4

Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is the 4th of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. Jesus describes His Kingdom rules. Some we know well—and may have memorised a few. These Kingdom rules are wonderful, challenging, and at times impossible. Let them reveal God’s heart to us.
