Don't Look BackÖrnek

Don't Look Back

5 günden 5. gün

Looking Back Limits The Future

It is heartbreaking to see so many people live their lives camping out in the past that cannot be changed and turning their backs on a grand future. We all know it is impossible to be effective in two places simultaneously and the only person who could accomplish that is God. We can never give one hundred percent of ourselves in the present if we keep dwelling on the past. Our potential will never reach its maximum capacity; future goals get delayed, insecurity and fear will dominate, the flesh will rule and life will become one heap of complaining. There is a lot at stake to remain, and truthfully your life will be unhappy.

The children of Israel found themselves in extreme bondage, they cried to God to deliver them, and God sent a deliverer. They experienced firsthand the goodness, kindness, protection, and provision of God. He split the Red Sea, he destroyed their enemies, he made bitter water sweet, he rained manna from heaven and fed them, their shoes never wore out, and their clothes were kept. He covered them, moved with them, and most of all loved them even when they complained. But they could not let go of the past and that blinded them to the glorious future God had for them. They were eyewitnesses to the Promised Land flowing with milk and honey but because they did not rid themselves of the "Look back mentality" they saw the giants in the land rather than the big, big God with them. The past kept them in fear, and they doubted God's plans. Because of their evil report of the goodness of God; they never made it to the promise land.

Today the stories told in this plan is of greater value than silver and gold. It may have been too late for the Israelites in the wilderness, but it's not too late for you. Living in the past is of great detriment to your future. I want to ask you today to leave the past behind, clear your heart of the clutter and take hold of the glorious future God has planned out for you. The past is over; God is about moving forward!

Holy Spirit, I thank you for the revelation I received, and I genuinely want to make it into the future God has for me. I am sorry I've wasted so much time on the things I cannot change, I am sorry for taking for granted what you so freely provide for me every day. I am sorry for robbing the people in my life because of the "look back mentality." 

Holy Spirit, help me to forget the pain associated with the past and as I visit my past from now on let it be for only moments of remembering how you brought me out of bondage. Thank you, Abba for a new start!

Gün 4

Okuma Planı Hakkında

Don't Look Back

The past holds a river of memories for each of us, some good and bad. The sad thing is many of us continue to look back to the past, which is preventing us from walking into the future that God designed and prepared for us before time began. As you read through this plan, my prayer is that you will release the hold on your past and embrace the future God has for you.
