Jesus, Teach Me: Partnering With Holy Spirit in My MotheringÖrnek

Jesus, Teach Me: Partnering With Holy Spirit in My Mothering

7 günden 7. gün

Jesus Identifies

Some time ago, I ignorantly questioned Jesus, “How can you understand what it’s like to be a parent since you never had any children”?

I was sitting on the porch on a hot summer day; my head leaned back on a soft, cushioned chair. I felt utterly hopeless because of an argument I was having with one of my teens. I had spoken harshly out of anger, and my heart grieved. I wallowed in defeat and didn’t think Jesus could identify with me as a mom.

Jesus’ answer took me by surprise! “I had twelve, and one betrayed me.”

I cannot say how deeply those words broke through my discouragement - yet what He spoke next ministered even more to my heart.

“Don’t take it personally when your children choose not to obey or love you. Although Judas was with me every day and saw my heart, He still chose to do His own thing. I didn’t stop him.”

As these words gently made their way into my heart, I knew Jesus understood and identified profoundly more than I had given him credit for! He also revealed something else to me within the same breath: When I parent His way instead of mine, I cannot be offended. He sees the bigger picture, so I can trust His Way.

Offense and condemnation come as a result of parenting our own way, in our own strength. As a mother, it’s easy to parent from this place - to feel hurt when our children rebel or disobey. We often try to force or manipulate our kids into our mold. Becoming offended causes us to condemn rather than love and disciple.

When we listen to Jesus in our parenting, there is no need for offense. The outcome ultimately belongs to the Lord - we can confidently leave the results to Him.

As Jesus prayed and humbly obeyed the Father in all things, we too should pray and humbly obey Jesus in our mothering. Parenting His way, instead of our own, brings beautiful, lasting results in our children.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV)

Pray with me...

Jesus, thank you for identifying with me as a parent. Thank you for not shaming me when I come to You for answers. Your Ways are so good, and in the end, they always work! Help me to stay quiet, to stay still enough to hear Your voice, and then to listen to the advice You give me. I want to follow Your Ways and not my own, because You hold the keys I need in my mothering. Amen.


Mari Jo Mast and the My Help Club for Moms Team

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Jesus, Teach Me: Partnering With Holy Spirit in My Mothering

Dearest Mama, Learn to lean in closely and partner with Jesus in your parenting. He is gentle and kind. As we yield our own strategies in exchange for His breakthrough ideas, we don’t have to waffle around in confusion anymore. If we patiently ask the Holy Spirit to "teach us," our time will not be wasted: the unusual ways of Jesus will bring us rest, joy, and blessings!
