Verified by God, Not Social MediaÖrnek

Verified by God, Not Social Media

4 günden 1. gün

Verified By God!

Society may look at success as having a blue check on social media or as being a mega influencer on TV, but this is not what God has called us to strive for. Instead, He wants us to focus on real transformation and live with purpose.

Our journey to success may not involve hundreds of likes or followers, but it doesn’t make it any less important. There are a lot of different paths to success and God understands what is best for us – no matter the scale. Yes, success looks different for everyone and it can take courage to find our own way, which should be aligned with God’s way, but God will be there for us to help us if we ask Him.

To fully understand how Christians measure success, we need to turn to His Word. The Bible is full of stories of individuals who have achieved success in one way or another, and a lot of these stories are about showing compassion and love for others, which is something we should all strive for — we should strive to be like Jesus.

We should also focus on our own spiritual and physical growth. This can be achieved by investing in our relationships with God and with others, taking steps towards personal and spiritual growth, being good stewards of our time and energy, and investing in things that will help us reach our goals.

Ultimately, God has called us to be faithful in our walk with Him and He will reward us when we live according to His will. As Christians, our measure of success should ultimately be based on how we grow closer to Him and how we help others do the same. If we are faithful to Him and put Him first, He will guide us and lead us down the path of real transformation.

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Okuma Planı Hakkında

Verified by God, Not Social Media

Social media may require us to prove our worthiness in order to become verified, but God already knows who we are and that we are worthy of His love - no verification required! Who verified you? God or social media?
