His Presence Is Our PassionÖrnek

His Presence Is Our Passion

6 günden 4. gün

Experiencing God Today

Ever since Adam and Eve were sent away from the garden, humanity has been searching for a way back into the presence of God. We were made to be with God, to find our identity and fulfillment in him. We are hardwired for a Divine relationship but exiled from His presence. We all live in this reality of being broken and alienated from God, and being human, we tend to respond in one of two ways:

(i) We try to earn our way back into the garden. We imagine that if we can do enough of the right things, if we’re just good enough, dedicated enough, and impressive enough, then maybe we can get a special pass, and God will welcome us back into His presence. (or)

(ii) We end up chasing substitutes for God’s presence. We go after experiences, accomplishments, relationships, and possessions. Things that we hope will dull the emptiness and loneliness inside, and they do tend to satisfy - only for a season.

But the cool thing we find in the Bible is that God doesn’t stand back waiting for us to find our way back to Him. He comes to us. The stories in the Bible remind us repeatedly that our God reaches toward us to be with us.

The Gift of God’s Presence

We discover the presence of God’s Spirit through His word, in prayer, through our praise and worship, and as we gather in community. His presence gives us a genuine experience of:

COMFORT in grief and suffering

PEACE in the middle of confusion and turmoil

JOY despite hardship and confusion

REST when we are weary and overwhelmed

HOPE even when fear and disappointment cast a soul shadow.

Psalm 23 provides perhaps the most remarkable picture in the Bible of how God’s presence transforms life. It describes our relationship with God using the image of a shepherd. In the ancient world, a shepherd was always present with their sheep. Their presence provided safety, shelter, water, and feed. So when King David describes Yahweh (the LORD) as his shepherd, it’s a very intimate way of depicting how God’s presence protects and sustains us in whatever we may be going through.

Jesus also described himself as the good shepherd. And when Matthew records his final words to the disciples, they are a reminder that “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”(Mt 28.20) Jesus promises that he is present with us, wherever we are and whatever we are going through. That means God’s presence is with you today and every day. No matter how you feel – you are not alone. No matter what you are going through – God is at work in and through you.

As we let this truth sink in, it transforms our whole life. We have a constant companion, someone to talk to at all times. That’s what prayer is supposed to be: an ongoing dialogue with God. He’s right here with us in the middle of it all. However, sometimes our prayers are not answered the way we want, which can make trusting God difficult.

It’s like young children experiencing separation anxiety when their parents aren’t in sight. Kids can freak out because they feel abandoned, even though mum might be in the next room. As we grow in our faith, we all experience seasons where we feel we’ve ‘lost’ God’s presence. Sometimes God is maturing us, teaching us to trust Him more deeply. Even when we feel abandoned by God, we are not alone.

God’s presence is our delight and passion because His presence is full of joy and everlasting peace. The more we pursue and rely on His presence, the more we recognize God’s hand in all that happens. God has given Himself to us and invited us to be more and more aware of His presence with us in every moment of life.

Reflection Questions

  1. How much of my prayer is a natural conversation with God about daily life?
  2. When have I felt distant from God? Why?
  3. Why don’t I pray as often as I can?
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His Presence Is Our Passion

When we say, 'His Presence is our Passion,' we're referring to how we were created to be with God. We all experience the feeling of being disconnected from God, but the Bible reveals that God doesn't stand far off waiting for us to find our way to him. He comes to us. The Bible repeatedly reminds us that God reaches out to us. Join us for this 6-day devotional about the importance of the Presence of God in our lives.
