30 Day Challenge for Positive LivingÖrnek

30 Day Challenge for Positive Living

30 günden 4. gün


I set out on my weekly hike with a new purpose. I put on my hiking boots, grabbed water and sunscreen, and prayed for a new blessing on this journey. I would go alone because I needed time to think and pray. My friend kept complaining about the difficult slope and rocky terrain the last time I hiked. She would not relax and enjoy the beauty around us. I hoped this time would be different. As I hiked, I came across a waterfall on my path, so I decided to jump in and soak up the sun. The water spilled over my head and down my body, and I felt alive for the first time in years. I knew this was the blessing from Jesus I needed to cleanse me and satisfy my soul.

Have you let Jesus fill you with His living water? Are you soaking up the Son? He is ready to fill you with eternal life as He satisfies Your soul. Break free from the worry, the comparison, the struggle, and the past, and let Jesus fill your every need and more. He is eager for you to drink from the spring of life to quench your thirst and satisfy your needs as you climb that mountain!


Dear Lord, O God, you are my God, and I earnestly seek You. My soul thirsts for You. I know Your living water will fully satisfy me. I do not want to be filled with anything else but You. I know You will give me abundant life in Your presence. My cup is overflowing with Your water of life! In Jesus’ name, Amen


Thank God that He will supply all of your needs and satisfy your thirst with His living water!


“The water Jesus gives you will become in you a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14

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30 Day Challenge for Positive Living

Need more positivity in your life? Take a month and read this plan that will change your outlook. Positive living begins “with God.” Each day you will start with a challenge. Then you will read a devotional with questions and applications for your life, followed by a prayer, praise, and promise of God. Take the 30-day challenge and see how God changes you one day at a time!
