Grace to Grieve: After the Loss of a ChildÖrnek

Grace to Grieve: After the Loss of a Child

5 günden 4. gün

Acknowledge Your Support

I was once in a place where I thought I could not pray as I no longer felt solace in prayer. I felt as if God had abandoned me and no longer inclined his ear to me to listen. And when I was finally ready to open myself back up to God and speak to Him, I felt as if I could not find the right words. Maybe you are in that place now. But God knows our troubles and He is ready and waiting for you to unload your burdens to Him. He tells us so plainly in His Word that we can cast our burdens and cares upon Him and He will sustain and lift us up.

Despite His Word, because you have experienced so much emotional trauma and are suffering from mental anguish, it may be difficult to find the right words to say and/or to even find solace in prayer. This is true even if you were once a “prayer warrior” or even if you never truly prayed but want to now. But, God comforts us in all our afflictions so that we may comfort others. When we are unable to cast our cares upon Him alone, He lets us know that we have a community of support. In fact, He tells us that it is better to have support because when we fall, we will have someone there to lift us up (Ecc. 4:9-12).

Since you may not feel like you know what to say or are not yet ready to pray, today, I will pray for you, and soon, you will be able to pray for yourself once again.

When you are ready and able, take some time to find a community of angel moms to help support and uplift you. In them, you will find love and forge an unbreakable bond because of the shared, similar experience that no one else can relate to as you all can.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I come to Your throne of grace humbly. You are a sovereign God; even though we cannot always understand Your ways, we know You are good. My sister is struggling with overwhelming grief and may even be struggling with her identity, purpose, and feeling ashamed. She may not know how to come to You right now so hear my prayer on her behalf. Just as You rescued me from my deep, dark pit of despair, grief and depression, do the same for her. Restore the vision of her identity and purpose. Remove her guilt and shame. Show her that You are still God and that You are still good. Let her know that she can allow You to heal her heart, that she can acknowledge Your exceeding capacity, that she can recognize Your greatness despite her circumstances and that she can wholeheartedly trust You. You have never left nor forsaken her even in times that she has been unable to feel the rain of Your favor or Your mercy. Touch her mind and her heart so that she is no longer consumed by her grief and suffering. Show her that she can give You the burden of her grief and You will heal her. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for inclining Your ear to our hearts and our prayers. Thank you for Your healing virtue, for Your comforting spirit, and for Your love, grace, and mercy for us. Amen.

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Okuma Planı Hakkında

Grace to Grieve: After the Loss of a Child

Losing a child can be crippling. If you are now struggling to recognize your value or purpose after suffering child loss, this devotional is for you. The Word of God shines a light to help you through your darkest moments--to restore and remind you of how beautiful and powerful you truly are. Be encouraged and know you are not alone.
