Between Calamity & CallingÖrnek

Between Calamity & Calling

6 günden 3. gün


I have a few spaces I love to retreat to, from an area in my garden to away spaces in the mountains, where I can sit and take in the majesty of God. Retreat spaces don't always have to be overnight getaways, although, at times, this may be what you need most.

Retreat spaces are carved-out moments when you can move away from demands to get a different perspective. I love that Jesus regularly modelled this for us. However, retreat spaces may not always be relaxing, especially when processing tough seasons.

I once went away on a 3-day silent retreat. I never realized how "loud" my mind was until I was in silence. The busyness of life often masks the loudness of our minds. Therefore, finding retreating spaces away from the clutter and demands of life is a necessary discipline in which one must be intentional. Don't allow the world's celebration of busyness to devalue the significance of investing in retreat spaces. Make retreating a regular discipline. Taking time to process challenging tensioned spaces is imperative in how you come through them.


  • Do you need to eliminate busyness in your life?
  • How can you factor in a daily retreat space in your diary?
  • What do you find hardest about retreat spaces?


Lord, help me find spaces to quiet my heart and mind before you. I pray for your guidance as I am still before you.

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Okuma Planı Hakkında

Between Calamity & Calling

The Bible says we are all called to be disciples. How do we live in the fullness of that calling without the calamities around us leading us to despair? How do we stay hopeful in a world filled with so much hurt? This reading plan will take you into the heart of Jesus's biggest calamity – the night He spent in the Garden of Gethsemane. The goal is to learn from Jesus how to wrestle through the calamities of life whilst remaining faithful to our calling.
