A Journey Through the Book of JoshuaÖrnek

A Journey Through the Book of Joshua

25 günden 22. gün

Our Promise-Keeping Lord

Joshua 13–20 describes how Joshua allotted the promised land to Israel’s twelve tribes, each of them receiving specified boundaries and cities. One clan was conspicuously absent, however: Levi. Remember that the twelve sons of Jacob, including Joseph and Levi, fathered the tribes of Israel. Yet, there was no tribe of Joseph. And after the patriarchal era, Levi was not typically included in the count of Israel's “twelve tribes.” What happened? Two of Joseph’s sons—Ephraim and Manasseh—were granted the right to be full tribes, taking Joseph’s place (Gen. 48–49). That resulted in thirteen tribes, from which Levi was separated to be the priestly clan. The Levites ministered in the tabernacle and taught God’s law to Israel (Num. 18; Deut. 33:8–11).

Because of their special place in Israel’s life and worship, the Levites did not get an allotment of land like the twelve tribes did. Instead, they were granted cities throughout the other tribal territories. In keeping with the promise given in Numbers 35:1–8, Joshua allotted towns to the Levites after the boundaries of the twelve tribes had been set (Josh 21:1–40). Levi received forty-eight cities in all (vv. 41–42). From these locales, the priests offered judgments in the matters they oversaw and taught the Word of God in Israel.

Joshua 21:43–45 concludes chapters 1–21, which detail the initial conquest under Joshua and the division of Canaan. In these verses, the author stresses the faithfulness of God in delivering the promised land into the hands of Israel. Not one of His promises failed to come to pass, and the people enjoyed rest from war. What Joshua accomplished in obedience to the Lord was an occasion for celebrating that God had kept His promises. What He promised Abraham centuries earlier had finally come to pass (Gen. 12:1–9; 15).

Of course, the same book of Joshua says that Israel did not take all of Canaan in the initial invasion (Josh 13:1–7). The author of Joshua certainly knew this, so he did not see the fact that land remained to be conquered as contradicting the fulfillment of God’s promises. As we have seen, that is because Joshua had taken the land in substance even if every square inch was not Israel’s yet. Furthermore, this declaration of a successful conquest would encourage Israel to fight on. Since God had proven Himself faithful to give Israel the land as He had promised, they could go forth and finish the task, knowing that He would be with them.

CORAM DEO Living before the face of God

The Christian faith is founded on the promises of God and testifies to the fact that the Lord has kept His promises and will keep all His promises. Sometimes, we can find it hard to believe that God will keep His promises, but texts such as Joshua 21:45 encourage us that the Lord always does what He says He will do. Let us believe that God will keep His promises this day, and let us turn to His Word to strengthen our trust in His fidelity.

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A Journey Through the Book of Joshua

When God’s people entered the promised land, they faced mighty foes from which only the Lord could protect them. This 25-day study walks through the book of Joshua, which teaches about God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises, even amid strong opposition. This book points us ultimately to God’s unfailing promise of delivering His people into the greater promised land: the new heavens and new earth.
