Who Am I?Örnek

Who Am I?

11 günden 9. gün

The Redeemed of the Lord

Psalm 107:1-2

To “redeem” means to loose away from bondage. In the Old Testament, it was often a reference to the freeing of debtors, slaves or prisoners. It also means to buy back that which has been lost, sold, stolen or forfeited.

In the beginning Adam forfeited his oneness with God and passed on that fallen state to all his offspring. The enemy has since stolen many things from all of us—like virtue, peace, perfect health, and everlasting life. From birth, all human beings are enslaved to a lower nature, prisoners in a world separated from its Creator. However, from the onset, God had a plan of redemption that would ultimately buy back for us all that we have lost.

One primary, early development was to redeem Israel from the bondage of Egypt, then to redeem His chosen people from the bondage of the fallen nature through the giving of the law with its promises and 613 commandments. For those who obeyed, this brought great blessings, but for those who disobeyed, terrible consequences. However, like the dawning of a new day, the New Covenant arose out of the shadows when the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, died to redeem us, not only from the curse of sin, but from the curse of the law.

Rising from the grave, Jesus loosed us away from all the sins and failures of our past. He delivered us from every curse of the law including sickness, poverty and battles of the mind. He accomplished this miracle through the shedding of His precious blood. Even if death comes, we can boldly declare, “I KNOW MY REDEEMER LIVES!” By “saying so” (speaking the word) we can emerge victorious in every area of life.


I declare I am one of the redeemed of the Lord. By the blood of Jesus, I have been loosed from the bondage of sin, sickness, poverty, carnality and all satanic plots. My mind has been redeemed. My emotions have been redeemed. When the Lord returns, I will be fully redeemed from the flesh, changed in a moment into a glorified and immortal child of God. Until that magnificent day, I declare that I will live in my redemption rights and overcome all things, in Jesus’s name, Amen!

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Who Am I?

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