Take Up Your Cross and Follow JesusÖrnek

Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus

14 günden 9. gün


Cultivating the Soul 

The soul is cultivated by being rich towards God. There are two fundamental steps in being rich towards God and building a close relationship with Him. 

The first is trust. In Him we live and move and have our being. The material or success symbols of life will work aggressively to push God out as the One on whom we trust. They will take His place instead (Acts 17:28-29)

The second step is submission to God’s will. God gave us freewill but He desires that we, out of our own volition, submit to His will. Submission to God’s will is what the kingdom of God is all about. It is God’s will that transpires in heaven and we are here to introduce the kingdom of God on earth by submitting to Him. We honor our King when we submit to His will. When we do not submit to God’s will here on earth, we have no place in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 7:21-23)

Trusting God and submission to His will are the two steps to building a relationship with Him which will result in the soul’s nourishment. 

Thought to ponder

Trust and obey 

For there is no other way

To be happy in Jesus

But to trust and obey 

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